hello! if you don't know how to upload photos from your computer and post them, i've tried to write a basic explanation here...if you don't get it, pm or email me about it and i'll put it up for you http://www.villagephotos.com/ this website is pretty useful, you can upload up to 25 images for free and its easy to use. they have a size limit, but thats ok, because anything that wont be too huge to fit on a forum page wont be too huge to upload once you have signed up (you only need a username, password and email address) click on the upload option on the photos page. click on the browse button to find the photo you want to post, and click upload. once you have uploaded, if you want to post an image, copy the URL (e.g. http://www.photos.com/hotnakedsal.jpg) of your uploaded photo and click on the insert image button at the top of the form (its the yellow one with which looks like a postcard with a mountain on it) and paste the URL in there. then when you post, it should appear hope that makes sense
oh man...i really dont get this photo uploading thing! ive uploaded photos, ims ure i have...but how are you supposed to know what the url is for an image?! am i being really dumb..? please help! its hurting my head now... love luchi xx