i'm not sure what you mean. yeah, i sometimes have to smell my farts if they come out when i'm in an enclosed space. i don't feel compelled to sniff my own ass if that's what you're saying though.
i have a relatively sensitive smeller, as are all of my senses, to an almost feral creature degree. my own farts are mostly innoffencive to it, except when i'm ill. my normal fart smell is rather meat like, while my diareah smells more like coffee. other smells, mostly when i'm not well, are somewhat harder to discribe.
i carry a packet of micro-fiber dust masks. not for farts but tobacco smoke, which gives me flem, that i'm always hacking until i can visit someplace that's smoke free, and pain rather like being stabbed with a knife.
I'd rather let others smell mine than hoard all the smell to myself, I'm a giver. I generally don't tell people though, I like to watch their olfactory system in action, as it registers and relays information to the neocortex for the person(s) to react to the stimuli.
Some scientists believe early man may have had an additional olfactory organ under the arm pit which would have given him/her the ability to smell someone from a mile away.
Thats what i like about hip forums. If I ever find myself thinking crazy thoughts, some little thing thats popped in my head that makes me think, wow, maybe there is something wrong with me. ...as a check I just have to come here to Hip forums....and there will be some guy saying things like his diarrhea smells like coffee. Then i am like phew, I am normal
Yeah man, I don't get the urge to smell my own farts. And I rip some HUGE farts lately, but they're mostly smell-free. I only smell them if I'm too enclosed, like in a small bathroom. It's not just something I do you know?
I need to smell them just so I know the level of embarrassment I should feel....if its minor and then people complain like they are in a gas chamber I defend myself. If it's bad and they complain I say I'm sorry and go outside.
Well, i wouldnt know, i flush before I get the chance to view it with a magnifying glass and take a big whiff
The Japanese have created a toilet that analyzes your stool for you, then texts you the results. So you don't have to do the inspecting anymore, unless you just enjoy it. Japanese toilet analyzes stool, beams results to cell phones via personalized URLs