Hi guys, So I've finally resorted to asking this to a public forum myself, as I've been Googling my problem for a long while now but to no avail. So my entire life, I've had a weird problem: I find nipples disgusting. I'm a heterosexual male and I've had this all my life. Big or small, wet or hard they're absolutely disgusting. I can't ever watch porn because it uses so much exposure, and I seriously think something is wrong with me. Like I stated before, no one else seems to experience this; I'm the only male ever to find female nipples gross and non-arousing. So if anyone can relate or explain this to me, it'd be much appreciated. I don't feel comfortable asking my doctor or a close friend - so I think asking the friendly internet is my best option. Thank you for reading.
Humm, that's a new one on me. I wonder what that has to do with masturbation (other than fantasy). Definitely something to see a shrink about. Sounds like some childhood trauma you don't recall. I can imagine some scenarios that would cause such revulsion in a child that would leave a scar the rest of one's life. If you can remember the incident, you might be able to overcome your reactions to nipples. If you don't want to do the shrink route, you could get someone to hypnotize you and have you recall the incident that caused this.
I have never heard of that. If you don't think it is some child hood trauma you might have to accept it as a sexual quirk. Hypnosis is on the extreme end of it. You could talk to a counselor. That would probably be uncomfortable in person but they hear strange things all day. To me it doesn't sound like a unhealthy sexual desire. You like the parts that you like and don't like the ones you don't. If it makes you feel any better I think this is something you could talk about with a girl you date. She may understand, she may not but I think a lot will.
I think it's a personal quirk. I personally am apathetic about them. As long as a woman's chest doesn't look totally flat, it doesn't matter to me what her breasts or nipples look like.
Hi,first said you have give a huge step being able to open and tell your problem. It is really strange bit i am sure it could be solved and i wish you can sonner. i have known lots of nipple "adicts" (both straigh of gay males.), but really adict : if they dont lik the patner's nipple simply stop because they were unable to ve excited. Others have had sex with people ONLY because they found the other's person nipples (don't care any of other part: i has told when they finish found the other person weird , no hot..but had enjoyed a nipples which found hot (usually is considerated hot when they are sensitive , the mist the better. (It is a underated part of sex ( specially male nipple) and could be so hottest to he able make orgasm only stimulating them. Why i told you this? I want you understand that they área lots of "strange" facts related with sex and sexology. I have studing this some years ago (from nipple orgasm ti other kind of strange orgasm). Most of the cases i have know with this nipple "dependency" Are people with some child backgrounds.(usually related with father ,included straight males) Your case seems the opposite , and i think you should disco ver what is the matter . Did you bread feed? How many time? Have you little brothers/sisters you could seem them being breadfeed? ... It could be lots of matters which made you found repulsive this body part. I recomend search a good doctor,and if can use hipnosis,better. I know it is too dificult for you,bit you have viven a huge step opening (don't care be in an anonymous place as intern et / forums. If you need talk about this my ears are open , as i said at the begining i have studing this some years ago,and i has listen toon of no common stories,but mind is too complex. But you cannot have the mistake of judge for this. Anyway ,as i said already : if you need talk about i am open but you must know it is something probably you will need visit a psichologist when you área ready. I wish you the best , and don't avoid search help because your fears : al of us have some (of one kind of other) Tour Dani
porn shouldn't be that much of a problem, i've seen plenty of porn where one or both parties keep their shirt and/or bra on. are these supposed to be opposites?