What strange food or food combinations do you like? I love dill pickles and chocolate milk together. It's the snack of champions!!! I will also put Italian dressing on just about anything.
Those are considered weird? They're amazing. Peanut butter and bananas on toast is good for breakfast too.
people have thought it was weird that i dip carrots in peanut butter. doesn't seem that weird to me. my grandma used to make peanut butter and miracle whip sandwiches. they were surprisingly not disgusting.
I've always thought it was, but they are amazing I'll try that shit on toast tomorrow.. I'm already liking the idea, that bit of crunch will be nice. Might have to try the PB and MW combo too.. that sounds fuckin' weird, but I'll take your word for it. Just to double check.. Miracle Whip is mayonnaise over there right? Nice and tangy?
generic Miracle whip is called "salad dressing" they mean potato or macaroni salad...i would never put it on a lettuce salad haha. but uh yeah, miracle whip is a bit different than mayonnaise i didn't particularly love the sandwiches, PB is better with jelly. or carrots. or banana on toast with nutella. that's not weird food though
I as well LOVE curries. Must be a European thang to love Indian food. Apparently, in the UK inidian food id basically considered national dish lol. Thats what some of my family says. God i want a nice spicy curry right now. speaking of which im going to figure out whats for dinner lol./
When I was growing up, we always had liver on saturdays and we used to dip the bread in gravy and sugar. Absolutely yummie. Reminds me to make liver soon.