I spent Memorial Day weekend working at one of our new condominium complexes in one of our models. I wore my business suit with the obligatory heels . I was able to slip them off occasionally when we had no guest touring the model. By yesterday afternoon it was unbearable. I gave two couples tours barefoot . They didn’t seem to mind but one of the couples did put on anonymous comment card how unprofessional the host was by giving the home tour with no shoes. Since I only gave two home tours barefoot and one of the couples the woman left her shoes at the door when she saw I was barefoot and stated if I wasn’t wearing shoes she wasn’t either. Lol.
Ive been to showings that ask visitors to remove shoes or wear booties, especially if the house has light colored carpet. Can't believe someone would complain. So dumb.
Those are usually private owned homes, this model was new construction and builder owned. Model homes generally don’t request guest remove shoes unless it’s in-climate weather.
m I have been in a just built home and was asked to leave my footwear at the door by the builder’s rep
the tyranny of the majority is alive and kicking and those kicks are delivered with steel tipped boots.
Why should you have to wear shoes especially on a holiday. I surprised you didn’t do both showings barefoot knowing how you hate shoes. I think everyone should be barefoot 100% of the time it would make life more enjoyable and relaxed. You did the right thing always go barefoot