Week of 29 Aug to 04 Sep 2022

Discussion in 'Astrology' started by ~Zen~, Aug 29, 2022.

  1. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    From the brains at Astro.com:

    Youʹre struggling to think positively (Mercury-Jupiter), youʹre looking for solutions and are again much more flexible than in the last months. You don't avoid discussions but argue in a civilized way. Fairness is a big topic this week, especially because you have to discuss and negotiate so much. In the background, Saturn and Uranus provide constant pressure to question and improve conditions, and to include unconventional ideas. Sometimes, however, apparently outdated ideas are the most unconventional things that can come to mind. After all, you want the world to evolve, and sometimes you can't imagine that your ancestors had methods that would still be useful today. It is your task to put together the best of all worlds in such a way that there are as few disadvantages as possible. This requires foresight and impartiality. The latter is the most difficult thing for many people, because they consider themselves educated and enlightened (more educated and enlightened than others...). However, Venus in Leo seems to want to tell us that education of the heart is also something very valuable and important.

    Relationships / Love:

    Venus is still in the difficult situation - in tension with Uranus and with Saturn - at the beginning of the week. You may feel judged or even devalued, but you defy criticism and know what you are worth. If you don't know (anymore), you should remember the best times of your life and dig out the good feeling and revive it. A friend can help because they certainly know why they are and want to remain your friend. Would you call your partner your best friend?

    For individual forecasts for each astrological sign click this link:

    Weekly Horoscope
  2. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Muchos Gracious Zen :)
  3. GreenFire

    GreenFire Newbie

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    Ooh yeay i am a fan of astro.com!
    ~Zen~ likes this.

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