Weed Etiquette

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by BongSolo, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. BongSolo

    BongSolo Members

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    I had never really heard of these weed etiquette guidelines until I moved to CA other than the universal ones like no bogarting and "puff, puff, pass." Most of them are kind of common courtesy but the one that I've probably messed up more often than not is #8 (Keep it Green). I know these are guidelines as opposed to hard rules but I was just curious as to how many of you follow similar etiquette when smoking weed?
  2. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    pass the dutchie from thee left hand side!
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  3. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    Ha alright, so I guess to not put any bias, before I even read the guideline I'll guess what etiquette is proper based off of experience alone.

    (Before reading the article):
    as with you puff, puff, pass is the only one i could think of a name for :D real common saying, but i guess it is kind of an etiquette too.
    If you're smoking a bowl, usually it's nice to corner the lighter as so each person gets to hit some greens
    If you own a bong, or glass, it's usually nice to have it clean when smoking with new people
    at the very least, change the bong water for new sessions
    Return the lighter to its owner
    Maybe burn the mouthpiece with fire for a tad if you 'niggalip it'
    Just in general, share your weed. You ever met anyone who's real stingy with weed? they're usually a drag to be around

    So I know there's at least 8 rules based of your post, and I can only think of these 7..
    (After Reading the article):

    Ha so I guess I'm victim to some of them, though they all were good points that especially from hindsight I can see exists.

    I have to admit, I like the occasional spliff (tobacco and weed), and they seem to be looked down upon by a lot of hippies.
    I like to be slow with a joint and savor it, especially while talking, don't know if I was ever just seen as a huge bogart. Though in bigger groups it's usually about hitting and passing quickly

    Cool thread
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  4. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Isn't it "Beaugardt"?
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  5. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    pretty straight forward manners but I havnt been in a smokers circle for about 2 decades

    but 4 is dead wrong....packer does not get dibs....owner of the dope gets dibs and it is ok to ask someone to roll a doob of your weed and get the doob back to light it.....smoke half and then just give it to them because personally I don't want the doob back after you've smoked on it.....ive seen your gf lol

    many of us older chronic smokers don't ever pass a doob....I let someone roll thir own out of my dope if I feel like sharing
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  6. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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  7. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    to me owner of the weed is like host, and they should share first to their guests
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  8. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    4 I have heard of the packer getting dibs thing but I often don't see it enforced because usualy if a friend packs it they will pass it someone else to start the rotation among people I know.

    9 Having to pass to the left is not done either. Years ago I heard you had to pass to the left because meth is passed to the right and it's a way to differentiate it from weed. But no one I know worries about that you pick a direction and stick with it. And I doubt meth smokers really worry about that much either.

    12 I also hate the weed critic and I have met a few. The guy who no matter what you pull out to smoke they always have to comment about how it does not measure up to what they get. And I am not talking Mexican dirt weed I mean stuff that is seedless with plenty of trichomes. Sure some good weed will not be as good as other good weed but it is a dick move to bitch like that.

    14 Nicotine is common in Europe but I agree I would not want it in any weed I smoke.
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  9. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    People smoke with other people?

    Well, I'll be damned. Never knew that.
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  10. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    well that never happens, unless the owner is paying attention. otherwise, lighters are basically considered communal property. i was always the dick who paid more attention to my lighter than whatever dumbass story was being told, but i also saw a LOT of other lighters disappear into the pockets of whoever cashed the bowl.

    i've also never heard of the sick person getting their own bowl. literally, that never happened in my entire smoking career.
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  11. Sleeping Caterpillar

    Sleeping Caterpillar Members

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    ha yea, seems like the only socially acceptable thing to steal or something. Even a lot of my lighters appeared out of thin air, which just means someone else paid for it

    One friend I had was so paranoid about his lighter, he'd buy different colours of athletic tape that he'd wrap around each one to differentiate it and prove it was his
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  12. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    Rules shmules.... just use some freakin' common sense. And pass that damn joint :dizzy2:
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  13. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    but don't pass it to the herpes sore......i'm 55....

    never had a cold sore and if I must appear rude to maintain my streak than so be it
  14. BongSolo

    BongSolo Members

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    Most of my friends smoke less than me and I'd already consider myself a pretty casual smoker - I love it but I only pack a bowl about once or twice a week. Weed etiquette was something I heard about from acquaintances but nothing like that is taken very seriously among immediate friends. But lighters are always up for grabs. I've had to use the stove as a lighter so many times.
  15. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    A couple of times over the years I have either shaved badly or plucked badly and had my lip emulate a cold sore/herpetic flare up. NOBODY believes when I try to explain that it's not herpes. They all just walk off saying "yea yea, get some ointment". It can be most frustrating.
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Simon says puff puff pass if you hogging the weed imma beat yo ass.
  17. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i've had pimples show up right on the edge of my lip that end up looking like a cold sore, particularly after i got frustrated and popped them.
  18. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    heres one.

    put filters in your doobies...specially with multiple people smoking....I know some will argue...i'm a filter guy....
  19. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    I rarely smoke joints actually....I like small glass bowls. And on that note....I generally don't like other people's weed as well as my own. *pot snob*
  20. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    A crutch so you don't burn your fingers at the end. I also like this but I don't smoke joints often.

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