It's been an emotional day for me... I fell in love and when you fall in love you become vulnerable, and you take the risk of a broken heart that comes with it. In the Fall of 2020 I met a man when I least expected it. I met him on Adam4 Adam. I didn't expect it to become any different than a majority of men I've texted there. We chatted, but from the start it seemed different to me. I met him and it seemed that we both just clicked really well. That fall we began to see each other regularly - with the pandemic well under way we were taking advantage of the freedom we had at that time and bucked the system which said to isolate - instead of isolating, we began meeting. We did what most A4A meet-ups do - but we also had conversations and we had a definite connection. This went on for almost a year when things sort of blew up in our faces one day. There were complications in this relationship and one of us was more willing to work through these issues. One of us was very reluctant. When things came to a head - unexpectedly - instead of supporting one another, one of us felt it was better to end things and retreat and return to whatever we had before we met. I had come to far to retreat. He was too stunned and frightened to move forward. When we needed each other the most, we were not there to give each other what we needed to get through it. Since then, there have been moments of communication. Checking in. and a couple times there has been discussion of getting back together. But, every time we made plans to see one another, he cancelled. He was too frozen to make a move. In case you hadn't guessed it - he was still in the closet. And he was deathly afraid of coming out. We had remained friends on Facebook through all of this. Somewhere along the way, recently, he unfriended me and blocked me. And I hadn't noticed. On his birthday, a couple weeks ago, the day before, I sent him an email - and it was sappy and foolish - but he responded favorably. He thanked me - we told each other we still love each other but I assumed that was it. He had made his choices and I had made mine. Coincidentally, I happened to notice just last night that I was not able to find him on Facebook. And ironically, about 3 hours later, he texted me - and I asked him then if he had blocked me - he confessed that he had and he was trying to get over me - but my email on his birthday showed him that he could not get over me, and could we please try again - and he wanted to work on coming out, and he wanted to start meeting my friends and going out and figuring out how he felt about coming out... I was stunned, but I also quickly agreed to meet him tomorrow and talk about it, I immediately felt chaos rising up. I was torn. The peace I had been feeling before he texted me was draining quickly. But still... I knew how badly I wanted more than what I had since him - which was just casual sex with others - but no real relationship, no real affection or growing feelings for anyone since him. He was a hard act to follow. I measured every man by him and they didn't measure up. So as crazy as this felt, and as hard as I knew it might be - I was willing to ride this roller-coaster and be by his side as he figured out how to come out and be openly involved with me. I went to bed - in turmoil - and woke up thinking about him About mid-morning he texted me - He said he couldn't do it, and he couldn't put me through it. He was sorry. I was in the office, near other co-workers when I read his text - I thought, how ironic - usually I am working from home - but here I am in public - and I began to cry. I tried to muffle my tears, but the harder I tried, the worse I sounded. My co-workers nearby asked if I was OK - and I told them - thanks - and I bit my lip and got a grip on myself - but all day I have been in such inner sorrow - I'll be OK. I'll survive this. It helps to write here just to get it out of my head and off my heart.
papa: My heart, indeed, goes out to you......I cannot even begin to fathom how devastated you must have been. This is EXACTLY one of the reasons I have remained celibate for all of my 65 years; the fear of falling too heavily for another man.....only to have him end whatever we had. If your friend was indeed wrestling with so many ongoing personal issues, i can only imagine how how hard it had to have hit you, especially during holiday time. If I were in your neighborhood, you would, indeed, have both my friendship and support, as you do here on the forum. Stay strong, friend, and know that others really DO care about you.....myself included...... "Live long and prosper"
Sending good thoughts your way! Sorry you had to have this major flip flop done on you! He will likely talk to you more, just overwhelmed with the coming out part and the stress of the holidays? But if not, you have at least gained experience and had some good times
Im really sorry Papa. When your heart hurts it affects all of you. It’s a hard thing to process and and practice sometimes, but protecting your heart is important as hard as it is to find that balance. This speaks to how important a loving connection is to all of us. My heart goes out to you my friend.
Thank you... I've learned one thing in life - and that Life goes on, and hard times come and go - if we can weather the hard times, and not give in or give up, this too shall pass and better days come around again. Every thing that happens changes us and gives us something to stand on in the future. This last thing that set me back has only made me stronger. I am more aware of the consequences of my choices and I am also sensitive to the chaos that comes with bad decisions. Thank for your wishes of peace and good thoughts. much appreciated.
I am very sad you are in pain, and hope you get better. Some things are just not meant to be, even when we wish for it so much...hang in there man! You are much loved
what's that saying? It's better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all... Lord Tennyson, if memory serves.
You said that it helps to write here. OK, you’re on the right track. I’ve only been here a short while but I have the sense that you’ve won the minds and hearts of very many people here. I’d even say you’re part of what makes this place so rich. Draw on that. What happened is shitty, but sometimes life is indeed real shitty. There are no magic words. But knowing that so many here love you, and are shoulder to shoulder with you is something. Talk. And know that it’s OK to hurt. If you hadn’t loved there’d be no hurt. Be grateful for the love you had, and let time and your friends here support you in grappling with this. But what the hell do I know?
Expressing your true feelings and desires here, with no fear of being "outed", or tossed aside like an old shoe, can indeed become a valuable "lifeline" when you are going through a rough time emotionally. Believe me, I know this all too well. Being celibate and single for nearly 67 years can really take a toll one one's all-too-fragile inner self, not too mention emotions............
Thanks everyone for these sweet messages and words of encouragement. Ironically, since I wrote this almost a year ago, I have experienced a couple repeats of the same pattern with this man who holds my heart in his hand. He cannot seem to take the steps he needs to take hold of what he says he wants with me. He is too afraid of the consequences of that choice. I understand those choices and possible consequences. Ultimately, it comes down to love. Love wins. And, since he cannot muster the courage yet, to follow-through with what he says he wants - instead retreating, standing me up, ghosting me, etc. I have to come to the conclusion that I am not his priority. Even a casual friend would not do what he's done. Making plans and then not showing up, and not even as much as a poor excuse saying he wont be able to make - instead, he cannot even face me and say he can't see me... and then silence follows, and I pack my heart away again with plenty of bubble wrap until the next time he can't leave me alone. Each time I say "this is the last time" but that remains to be seen if the last time is really the last time I'll fall for his advances - I've told myself - this time is different. This pattern of insanity literally rocks me emotionally for too much of my precious time to let it happen again. stay tuned.
Papa------I indeed certainly hope what your heart desires FINALLY turns into REALITY-----you're a SPECIAL guy-no doubt in that-we all wish the BEST for you!
It is tough Papa, I understand. Sometimes reality is unfortunately much different than what we want it to be. Over the last 3 years I’ve repeatedly had similar outcomes with guys I thought I could be developing a relationship with only to have it fade away. I have been on the verge of throwing in the towel and resigning myself to just becoming celibate several times over the last year. I just haven’t thought it was ever going to work because it hasn’t. Earlier this week I was invited by a gay man who I have been chatting with to come to his house and see if we could be compatible. Well compatible is an understatement! We had an incredible time together. And look forward to strengthening what has started. It feels good to have hope again. My hope is also for you, I hope you can find a connection and not be abused and disappointed. It’s terrible to have your heart trampled. I’m very sorry!