Wearing A Headdress When You Are Not Native American

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by unfocusedanakin, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I am not one of those offended on behalf of everyone type of people. For example I don't think dreadlocks are only for black people as some black people would say. If this is true then why can black people dye their hair blonde? I mean that is an unnatural hair color for you. You could say it's white culture because only we are born like that. But it's just fashion. If something looks good to you then it's OK to dress that way.

    But I do think their are limits and one of them is the video posted below. A headdress is earned. It's a sign of respect from your peers. A white guy like this should not be wearing it just because it completes his Goth look or whatever he would call himself. I had a Native room mate and he would admit he did a lot of "white things". It's just the nature of two races of people living in the same area. Eventually your culture will run off on each other. But a headdress is too far.

    How do other people feel about this? To me a white guy doing this is a slap in the face espeicly considering the checkered history of our two races.

  2. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    What's with the white, black guy thing?

    Does it really matter to anyone, what anyone wears?

    Who really gives a shit?

    I'm half Welsh, half Irish, but I don't celebrate at Patrick's day, who cares?

    Will you or a lot of you be doing the green?

    People are people, we have come a long way since the 60s..Time to move on!
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I don't see the problem. When foreigners show up at Oktoberfest in their dirndl ünd lederhosen I don't think or say "well you aren't Deutsch, take that off!!" They're just joining in on our traditions.

    Granted I didn't watch the video, so not sure if it's just for show or not but think about the people who tattoo like, an iron cross for instance. You had to earn that too, even Viking runes, Thor's hammer etc. some things a warrior had to earn but we can just buy replica stuff online if we want. We didn't earn it. We just buy it because we can, and we obviously like it ya know?
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Can I not wear my Von Miller jersey because I don't live in Denver?
    Can I not wear my Jeff Gordon jacket because I'm not American?

    You tell me I can't wear Jeff Gordon merch to my face. :toetap05:
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  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Or because I'm white I can't wear a black fellas jersey. C'mon, man!
  6. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    God help the people that complain about the headdress, if they could have seen what Adam Ants followers in the 80s used to wear!

    Well said irmi!
  7. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I dont think i would show up on a reservation wearing a headdress, or anywhere in public really - i just wouldnt have a reason to

    But i like making stuff and playing dress up. I can see myself making a headdress and wearing it around my friends who also like playing dress up. I dont really see the problem with something like that.

    I guess it depends on your level of respect - if you wear a dashiki and think its a hilarious joke and in general think black people are a hilarious joke, then yeah thats probably an issue. If you think african culture is beautiful and you also really like dashikis, then I dont see the problem. Just as an example
  8. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    i see no problem with it unless its a chiefs headdress
  9. NoHobo

    NoHobo Members

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    No problem whatsoever.

    A bunch of crybaby faggot ass millennials who do have a problem with it can eat a big red dick.
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  10. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    If they come out and say that nobody but Indians can wear their dress, then everything everybone ever fought for in terms of "equality" dies.
  11. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    its a dumb thing to do is all.....like wearing the vest of a hells angel...they know goddamned well you didnt earn it and have no right even possessing it nevermind wearing it

    some things are sacred for a reason...who am I to question a bunch of people I don't have any beef with
  12. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    I was thinking more of a comparison to stolen Valor aka wearing military medals that have important meaning such as the silver star medal.
    However I would see no problem wearing just some random silver star on a similar ribbon. But if you did not earn that medal you should never have it pinned on a shirt you wear.

    My problem with a headdress is....is there a specific look to it that shows you what he earned?
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  13. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    White people have a checkered history with all other races. That enough slap in the face for you?

    If that guy wants to look stupid let him.
  14. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I watched the video.

    Good on him!

    It's basically nothing to do with American Indian culture at all. He even says that, all it has in common with anything, is the shape.
    The feathers aren't traditional head dress feathers from an eagle, the colors are all specifically wrong, the symbols are made up from triangles and do not mean anything. It's not an Indian head dress and was never intended for it. He even says he has no real interest in the culture, he just likes it, and so he wears it. :D

    That's like you telling me I can't wear a black shit, because someone wore a white shirt. :D :D
    "people just want to be offended" he surmises.

    Could. Not. Agree. More.

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  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    If native americans have an issue with a goth or some other person that wears it for what native americans would dub 'the wrong reason' they should utter that of course. Does it mean everyone should act on it? No. We can take notice of them respectfully and still disagree with it. We could not wear such a thing in a native american area or gathering or something if that helps. In average public places or at your own home you can wear any headdress you want, including the one of a chief for all I care.
    As long as we can listen to each others complaints and disagree respectfully everyone can have an issue with other peoples looks. But that's it.

    It can be a helpful argument to get that dirndl removed though :-D
  16. His Eden

    His Eden Queen of Mean

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    I think it depends on how they behave while wearing traditional articles of clothing, that are not of their own culture. For example, if someone was to wear a Native American headdress and act like a fool it is likely to offend a tribal member who sees it. It can also depend on the specific article as well. My husband is Native American (he prefers the term Indian) and has several articles of clothing that he acquired as rites of passage, and it is considered offensive for people to wear them "just because". My husband would not be rude to someone about it, but at a gathering on tribal land if someone wore inappropriate attire (like a ceremonial breastplate) chances are they would be shunned, or asked to leave. It depends on the ceremony, etc. Some are more sacred than others. That is just my experience though.
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  17. Michael Phelps

    Michael Phelps Am I being detained?

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    It is very important to me what that guy wears on his head. I feel bad for the real offensive people who get less noticed because of queerness such as this.
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  18. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    If someone is respectful, I do not see why it would be an issue. I can say that wearing it as something ceremonial would not be respectful but otherwise, it is an expression he chooses to make and I do not see it as being harmful to anyone.

    Many things that are ceremonial to others are prevalent in society now but that does not mean it is meant to be disrespectful.
  19. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    Fuck Guys wait till you see me out in my ​Burka
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  20. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    what would you think of someone wearing a purple heart, or some other nation's equivalent, who had never been in any nation's military? or done anything else to earn it?
    done anything above and beyond the call, to save someone else's life or anything like that.

    i mean this is basically what you're talking about here. not every indigenous culture even had the feathered headband.
    this is another one of those things where people lump together cultures when they know little or nothing about them.

    if you want to stick a feather in your hat, just don't call yourself a bowl of oatmeal, because you still look funnier then hell, sitting on the kitchen table with milk on your head.

    if you can wear a feather in your head without trying to pretend to be something you know very little about, and don't go around killing birds needlessly, well that's not any big thing by itself.
    maybe you are a bird. i don't know.

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