We Want To Have A Baby.

Discussion in 'Parenting' started by SunshineSummerlott, Nov 2, 2014.

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  1. SunshineSummerlott

    SunshineSummerlott Members

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    My husband is fixed and I'm not 100% sure I can have kids, some birth control I was on fucked with my lady parts. Suggestions?
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  2. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    This is a weird thread considering the answers seem rather obvious.
  3. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    How fucked? Check with the doctor.

    My mom almost died from birthing me, then on her 3rd kid she almost died again. This time she couldn't bring life, the placenta was stuck in the wrong part of her ovary and was hospitalized and was having seizures. So, if you cant have kids; dont, you may die. Though it could be completely situational on your part.

    The doctor is your best bet :)

    If you cant have kids, adoptions. Or you could always get one of those new surrogacy things where they take you and your mans seed and put it into another woman. It wouldn't be the same, but the child would bare your genetics and culture. Which is exactly why we have kids :)
  4. SunshineSummerlott

    SunshineSummerlott Members

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    Obvious for someone that has money to pay for everything to be handled officially, yes. For someone that can't afford to pay for those surgeries or anything, not so much.
  5. audrey_the_endotherm

    audrey_the_endotherm Members

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    I suggest you talk to your doctor, family, and perhaps a connselor, rather then a bunch of random strangers on a forum.
  6. SunshineSummerlott

    SunshineSummerlott Members

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    Considering I don't have the money to pay for any type of medical anything that would help us have a baby and I didn't have a doctor until about a month ago, not helpful. I do talk to my family, they don't give a flying fuck whether or not I want a child or for that matter, anything about me.
    Maybe if you don't have any helpful suggestions or positive thoughts to share with someone looking for them you should just keep your thoughts to yourself because without being able to tell your tone over the internet, someone may take your comments as just being a bitch...which I am positive is not your intention...
    and if that was your intention, please take your negativity elsewhere and I hope your day gets better.
  7. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Yes but none of us are doctors or know what to do in this situation. Pretty much the only people who would would be doctors. This isn't a medical forum either. Besides, even if we were doctors, "fucked with my lady parts" would not be enough to go on.

    Also, if you can't afford a doctor how can you afford a baby?
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  8. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Sorry to hear this.

    If you are certain that you want to have a biological child, you might want to look into acupuncture. It can be expensive, but much less expensive than surgery. An acupuncture school teaching clinic can be pretty cheap. There are also some free clinics.

    In principle, there may be some rich guy whose wife can't have a baby who might be willing to pay for your medical expenses. Even if you were able to work something out like this, he and his wife would probably still want custody. Maybe you could have visitation?

    Adopting would be by far the easiest thing.
  9. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Actually, I know this woman who went to Alaska and had a baby with this rich guy. He just wanted to have another kid, I guess. He doesn't really spend much time with her, and made that clear from the beginning.

    Maybe you could find some deal like that, if he pays for the medical expenses.
  10. SunshineSummerlott

    SunshineSummerlott Members

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    Other people in a similar situation or that know someone in a similar situation might have some suggestions or advice, which is all I was asking for. I did not come here thinking this was a medical forum or expecting any of you to have answers to everything for me. All I asked for was some fucking suggestions from people besides the obvious ones. Excuse the fuck out of me.
    You're smart ass comment is completely unwelcomed by the way. My huband and I live on $10,000 or less in a year by choice and I will not hestitate to mention that my two step children are doing just fine. Always have food, have more toys and books than they know what to do with...raising the child isn't the problem. It's the hundreds of thousands of dollars a fucking doctor will charge me just to have the child.

    For those of you that have actually attempted to be helpful, thank you.
    For those of you just trying to point out everything you think is wrong with my situation, I mean this in the most loving way possible, but fuck off. Take your negativity elsewhere. I did not ask for it, nor would I have done the same to you had you made the original post.

    As its obvious most people on this forum have no desire to actually be helpful, ya'll might as well close this thread down if you can.
  11. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I wasn't trying to be rude. Perhaps if your original question had been more specific this wouldn't have happened. The way it was worded it sounded like you were looking for medical advice, not opinions of those in similar situations. You never said anything about looking for opinions like that until just now, so I think it is you who needs to calm down. Besides how would anyone know if they were in a similar situation, when we don't know what's up with your lady bits.
  12. audrey_the_endotherm

    audrey_the_endotherm Members

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    Your original post is extremly nonspecific, you asked for advice yet only provided one small sentance of information. You said your husband is "fixed", my knowledge around this is very limited, can something like this even be reversed? I have no idea, and I am sure the vast majority of people here don't know, however a doctor would have a great deal of information regarding this. Therefore I suggested you talk to a doctor. You said your lady parts are fucked, a doctor can provide several different types of exmainations that can determine if it's possible for you to have children, nobody here can provide that information to you. So how am I being negitive when I suggest you see a doctor? Seems like sound advice to me. Families can provide much support to someone going through this situation. How am I to know you don't talk to your family? Obviously for you this avenune is not helpful for you. I also suggested you see a counsellor, they have lots of experience dealing with infertility and fertility treatments. They can help you manage the emotional stresses and decision-making challenges. I fail to understand how you think I am being negitive or hateful here.
  13. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Doctors wont really know. It will still be trial and error.

    Especially with thiose first 12 weeks, a myriad of reasons why the embryo doesnt attach correctly, grow, incorrect chromosome combinations.

    Doctors will be able to perform some tests, give you basically a probability of what might be the most likeky cause, but wont be able to tell you for sure. There is still a lot about the process NO ONE understands.

    One of the biggest reasons for female infertiility is bacterial infections, which isnt that well known , doesnt get as much publicity cos its not as scary as viral, std, infections, and impossible to detect iin some cases

    If you are fertile and your husband is fixed, of course the easiest way would be to get drunk with a guy thats the same height, has same characteristics as your husband, most people aint going to say that to you though
  14. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Oh your husband is fixed like a vasectomy fixed? I thought you meant fixed on the idea of having a kid, not fixed like "we got our dog fixed"...

    I just typed the word fixed so many times it doesn't sound like a real word anymore.
  15. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    OP, people gave the advice they had. Your response? "Fuck off."
    Welcome to HF.
    Please reread the rules that you agreed to when you signed up 20 posts ago.
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