Hi, I am a former homebuilder from California. I have tons of tools and I know how to use them. I have a degree in Computer Science (Cal Poly, SLO, '87). I studied cooking (CCA) and filmmaking (SFAAC). I grew up with firearms and know how to handle them. I'm also an expert in primitive weapons (long bow, sword, etc.) I am trained in urban and rural survival skills (former civilian agent with the DoD/DynCorp). My wife is a highly skilled trauma nurse who specializes in home remedies. She is trained in firearms and survival skills. We currently live in Seattle. We're in our late 40's, healthy, intelligent, trustworthy. We're looking for a group of like-minded Conservative Christian-based people, anywhere in the world, where we can use our wide range of skills and experiences at building a strong and stable community based on positive thinking. California stole our self-sufficient Squaw Valley home and 5 acres from us. That will never happen again. We sail, kayak, backpack, explore, target practice, study martial arts, and read. Thank you...
Hi Sonokar, The communal living and christianity forums might be better places on this site to find what you are looking for. www.ic.org has some lisitings of communities too here's a page with christian intentional communities http://directory.ic.org/records/christian.php
I'm hearing you on the bugging out (I assume you mean from the rat race). Money is nice but its all kind of useless in the end you just keep itching to grab the surfboard or camping gear and get away from it all Thats one of those jobs, where I dont understand how anyone can do it, talk about stress
I'm not sure how to private message from here but you can contact me at sonokar (at) inorbit (dot) com
hi sonokar, are you already gone/found a place? did try to e-mail you, comes back as undeliverable. lets make contact. S&L