The splendiferous Mr Jaz Delorean will be your new mod to all that is hip and happening in the UK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *giddy dances and skips* Yayayaya!!! Showmet has very kindly agreed to co-mod too!!!!!!!! They should be added shortly as soon as site admin get on the case Tis Ms Claire signing out!........ See you around the forums in my new role as Hip Forums Official Vegan Minx !!!!!!:X Love Clairexxxxx
yay this is so cool thank you claire for doing such a brilliant job...we'll carry on to the best of our abilities love Jaz
I love this forum and am so happy it will continue I am so glad Jaz and Jon will be taking over as I think they are amazing guys and also jaz is an amazingly talented musician. You UK people rock my world Lots of Love from the Bug-Man x
And I promise not to insert random rude words and allusions to bizarre sexual practices into everyones posts ... not all of them anyway.
Good luck guys, I know you'll do a great job moderating this forum, and carry on the fantastic work that Claire has already done. She's set the bar high, but I can see you'll do amazingly, and you'll have great fun....
Well done for stepping in guyz and thank you oh beautiful mad blonde one for bringing it to life in the first place! Onward and Upwards!
Skip hasn't got back to me since I PM'd him, I'm assuming he hasn't got back to you either. He's travelling the world at the moment, I think he's in Australia now. I'll give him another PM, but I doubt he'll be able to do much if he's on the road most of the time....