We are the dreamers and the dream, the paint, the paintbrush and the painter.

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by tastyweat, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. tastyweat

    tastyweat Member

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    We are the dreamers and the dream, the paint, the paintbrush and the painter.

    I merged into a wonderful divine flow earlier this evening and wanted to share, what I saw, what I interpreted were so beautiful, I thoroughly enjoyed

    It started with a flash of inspiration from this wonderful image (artist unknown)


    I have been exploring various different realms of consciousness, varying perspectives of existence, alternate dimensional frequency resonances – almost as if zooming out to look back upon the masterpiece of creation – for quite some time now. My mind has been somewhat over-active for a lot of this process but as of this past weekend especially, after exploring my own darkness for what felt like far too long, I finally reached the precipice of the hole I had dug for myself with limiting beliefs, self-deprecation and guilt. In re-discovering my love for myself and all, I saw the light on the horizon, the dawn breaking over the crest of my energetic wake and every day since has been a dabble back into the magic of existence. Happiness and lightness abounds and continues for the first time in a long time I can remember, it’s really rather pleasant.

    I have so much to share, I know more will flow over the course of my time here and I will do my best along the way to translate.

    Part of what I have been seeing on my travels through my own memory is a magical group of 12 beings sitting in a circle around a central chair, as if twelve aspects of the divine sitting around the throne of God. Many possibilities had been running through my mind and I had seemingly been guided to understand that while connected to all, I was closely tied to one of the twelve. Perhaps I was one of these angels (or an expression of) that get to sit around God? Are we all in some form expressions of these? Wow! Who knows? Let’s explore!

    Further along this exploration, I saw myself in a divine kindergarten, the children of God playing in creation, wow! Hang on a minute, there are twelve of us! These two must link somehow. Then there is the Pleiadian story of Source creating twelve beings, sending them out to create with the instruction “Bring all back to me”, hmmm, interesting links there. Maybe we’re playing in an alchemical laboratory in God’s kindergarten of creation and we are/this is one of our Pinocchio’s that He wondrously imbued or helped us imbue life into?

    Back to the image and the knowing just sank in as I was studying it… WE ARE THE DREAMERS AND THE DREAM!

    Then followed one of the most comprehensive self-explorations I have had yet, my attention turned inward and I zoomed out to higher dimensional expression from within. As I zoomed out, I saw dimensions pass by and fold in to each other. We exist in and vibrate at the frequencies of all dimensions, it is purely a choice at which level we wish to focus our attention and in the nature of the divine beings that we are, we have multiple simultaneous point of focus all over the place doing various things. As we “zoom out” to higher vibrational awareness, to “higher” dimensional perception, it feels a bit like falling backwards and as each dimensional resonance (resonance, as you get with sound vibration) clicks into place, it is as if that dimension folds in with the previous ones to create a similar perspective yet with more depth and breadth to it. Like we see 2-dimensional drawings from 3-dimensional perspective, a relatively flat drawing, as we zoom out to the next dimensional resonance then the 3rd dimension “folds” into the 2nd dimension and it looks roughly like a 2-dimensional drawing again. However, this time, there is so much more depth to the drawing, like looking into a fractal hologram. As we choose to focus on a single point, we can see it expand to explore the breadth and depth of the point we have chosen. That is what we are all currently doing; only we have chosen to experience the whole thing from the perspective of our focal point, even if our “fuller” expression is still well and truly active simultaneously.

    As a side note, I am not fond of using the term “higher” to describe the other dimensions as vibrational resonances as that carries with it a lot of connotations of one thing perhaps being better than another. That is still dualistic perspective and that is not our divine perspective, we are evolving away from our human-only experience of duality back into our true experience of polarity. Like with a magnet in this electromagnetic universe, opposites attract, they complement each other! They turn us around if we’re heading in the outward direction and bring us back to center. I use the term higher purely because that is the best term I can think of to describe it. Look to music as the best comparison, you have bass and tenor, “low” and “high” vibration. Neither are good or bad, they both work in congruence to form an incredible symphony, another part of why we’re here… this is a musical painting!

    I notice quite a few channels talk of a specific number of dimensions, this is not quite accurate. There is no limit to the number of dimensions available or possible and we exist in all vibrations. The reason for the numbers is simply to ease us in to the way we think about things and also, only a certain borderline is even relevant to a specific type of experience. There is not much point for a human to attempt to contemplate the 12th dimension for example as it is an experience these forms cannot quite cope with, it is beyond our chosen limitation and a vibration that is encompassing yet not directly related to this experience.

    Maybe, like the seed of a lotus, we dove into a pool of mud in order to blossom as a flower?

    Black paint shines, it isn’t really black! It only appears as so from our perspective due to our nature to notice the contrast that has been set up for us to appreciate.

    I have a music video to go with these words too
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPS4fmnJHjw"]Space Rockerz & Ellie Lawson - Under The Same Sky (R.I.B. Mix) - YouTube

    As I was discussing this with my wife, the idea of this split of twelve beings has always confused her… “Why 12? Why split? Why not consider whole? What about the rest?”.

    I have had the wonderful experience of channeling the All on a couple of occasions, only briefly but a few things have come through in that incredible voice with the knowing of exactly who/what it was and that feeling of pure love’s emanation to communicate a few nice messages of comfort and the odd answer to a question that was phrased appropriately. Previously it has only really come to me when I have been in heightened states with the use of certain consciousness-enhancing tools. This was the first time I’ve sensed in my normal waking state, my own personal vibration has raised to such a state where it can happen naturally under the right circumstances, wow! How cool is that?! These visions, this knowing, all coming to me fluidly in my normal waking state, I’m excited! This time the all came through to answer my wife’s questions, short, sharp and easy:

    “It’s just the way WE felt like doing it”… followed with a smile and a shrug… haha!

    Another little knowing sank in, our eyes are a form of black hole, but please don’t let that concept mislead. Black holes re-emit light! Black holes absorb, transmute and re-emit light. Our eyes both absorb and shine in balanced harmony, one of the balances of each of our expressions. What we give attention to; we both give energy to and absorb energy from, that is why focus is so incredibly important as it occurs within our thoughts too. What we focus on, we share energy with. Many have said it and I will say it again as it has finally “clicked” for me personally, focus on and pay attention to that which you want, not that which you do not want. Focus on fixing what you perceive to be wrong? Focus on the negative & you will truly attract more of that into your experience. Focus on what you perceive to be good, focus on what you like and want and that will bring it to you. Better yet, free yourself from that judgment of good/bad completely and observe the perfection that can be found within all. The universe self-balances, we self-balance. This can be both within and without our individual expression. The nature of karma is the self-righting of any skew in personal balance. Maintain your balance within and no-thing/One will manifest without to counter-balance. One of the things that most throws us off balance is the act of judgment, as we judge, our balance plate is thrown into disarray. I have a new perspective on the biblical idea of “The final day of judgment”. It has absolutely nothing to do with a divine being judging us individually in any shape or form, it is the day we, both individually and as a race, finally learn to stop judging. It’s that simple! Once we reach this state, we have made the biggest (perhaps final) step back towards full realization of our God-self, towards our personal apocalypse – the unveiling of what was once hidden, none of these fatalist destructive ideas that are seemingly so popular, that’s just a mis-understanding that threw us into creating some dark colours for a while, but then that contrast was needed for our artwork so that’s ok.

    And the music to go with that - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wunrsk91l2w"]Lange feat. Ilseviolin - Violin's Revenge (Light Mix) - YouTube


    The art we do is the art we are, we are but beauty manifesting beauty on a canvas of love.

    This absorption, transmutation and re-emission process, on top of emanating our own energy to add to the divine artwork in progress, is one of the ways we interact with other expressions and their emanations / contributions toward the cosmic art. Like interacting waves, our wake interacting with another, our both riding through the wake of another.


    As I progress in my internal zoom-out, I return to a room I have frequented before while still active in this form of my expression, a section of the divine kindergarten, a room full of the most amazing pieces of artwork. The last time I had been there I had only been able to get a short look at one piece of artwork, this piece of artwork… the one we are all currently working/focused upon while present on this planet. This time I get to see it again and have a look around the whole room to take in a glimpse of the breadth of the beauty of our creations, by vision of that version of myself still slightly out of alignment so still a bit blurry. Yet I could clearly tell the beauty I was in the presence of and my vision is clearer than it has ever been. I wish I could replicate that here for those who haven’t yet developed this gift, but never worry – we are One and you will experience it if you choose to.

    I re-focus on our present work of art and understand so much more about it, the intricacies in the dimension of your expression, the way our individual form/soul paths add to this immense work. The way it expands within itself as it unfolds with shifting focus. How it is built and what it is painted on and within.

    I see that for us, the child, to have our experiences here (not everywhere), the divine energy appeared to split into two, into a duality (in reality, polarity, but this is how it has appeared for a significant part of this experience). I see the split as mother and father, father forming the light & mother forming the dark. I would like to clarify the term dark as it is simply relative, for contrast, no concept of intent hiding anywhere in that term, purely slower/lower vibration to form a contrast. Like, for example, when you see pictures of sunspots on the sun. These sunspots are still very bright, yet compared to the rest of the surface of the sun – they appear to be dark on a light background. Or simply the way we compare the sun and moon, both perfect in their expression yet one relatively brighter than the other. Why is the moon? To give light at night! And so perfect it is, we can both see and sleep with ease in that perfect balance. In the same way, that is what the darkness we perceive is, still incredibly bright, simply in an alternate vibration in order to create contrast. Our maternal element, in essence, put herself into a deep sleep where she would maintain a lower energy state in order to create a canvas for us to express our light upon with our father guiding us in these creations. She dreams of course, wonderful and spectacular dreams. She watches us as we go, she is not devoid of experience – just in an altered state of her own choosing to allow us the possibility of a unique experience within the One.

    The Divine Feminine is escalating here simply because our wonderful maternal aspect is awakening from her slumber, she’s been dreaming while we paint all over her… I’m looking forward to when she wakes up and giggles at us… we’re like children using chalk to draw on pavements. But this divine expression is oh-so-much-more than simple chalk, even if chalk can be a wonderful expression.

    Some people seem to have concerns about Gaia self-correcting once in a while… try thinking of it like giving the etch-a-sketch a shake to start again fresh & remember than no-One and no-thing is ever lost… it’s easy from the divine point of view, we take things a little too seriously “down” here. But that’s ok and that’s good, because it broadens and deepens our colours, making them all the more vibrant and beautiful. I feel my heart erupt with love as I type that last word especially

    The duality has seemed to exist as two separate entities within human consciousness. On the grander scheme, we know this is purposeful illusion. From our perspective at this level, it is quite real. It appears as though these two may be in the process of colliding to become one again, re-uniting the duality into polarity in a way we can process as our other divine half awakens.

    With our maternal aspect pretending to be the dark canvas we are propagating into/on/around, we push forward into the void, expanding all as we go. Each new exploration, each new artwork, each new step is a step into the void – an expansion of our self, our very essence growing as we explore. Simply by thinking and sitting, we are exploring new territory, we create light in the “dark” as we go. What we are doing is bringing energy back to our lower-energy aspect of the grand self, all we need do is be. As we focus our little bodies of attention, we focus our creation, we focus our new exploration, creating as we go. We do create a form of reality as we go, not the very nature of it – that is already in place – but our experience fuels expansion and we create that specific environment as we go. Like a bubble around us and as we move creating a worm-like tunnel shape of sorts (well, that’s what this form of ours is doing anyway). This is why it is so important to focus upon how and what we create, simply for our own enjoyment and more conscious contributions to our grand art work.

    However, even in a fully un-conscious state of being, we are still divinely guided, always. We add what we wish to add to the mix as we go, this is not a painting made with paints! Oh no, it is a painting of energy. All of our energetic states contribute to the whole, our “bad” feelings creating the darker/murkier colours, our “good” feelings creating bright and bold colours. The deeper we feel the feeling, the brighter and more intense the colour, so even the varying states of how deeply we feel our emotions contributes to the texture of the patterns we’re forming! We are conscious paintbrushes walking around a canvas and we will always get what we need when we need it and where we need it at the perfect time. Trust the divine timing, it is perfect. You will all comprehend this so clearly at some point, I feel my own truth in these words.

    You are perfect, absolutely, without question… where you are, how you are, why you are, absolutely perfect and beyond compare in your uniqueness of expression. There is no mould for these paintbrushes, they are all hand-made Just remember this if you ever feel low, at that point in time, you are simply creating colours relevant to your expression and what beautiful colours they all are, the full spectrum of emotion. The secret if you’re in a hard place is simply to feel it, feel it deeply and then let it go, suffering can get so drawn out because people deny themselves, they deny their emotions and so the emotions persist in order to express in perfection. You want out of some state? Feel it, allow it, be it & then you will move on very quickly… there is always a swift transition to a peak after a trough, you’ll see. Don’t force conflict with yourself, be true to you and all will flow in wonderful harmony, I promise you that and I rarely promise anything.

    All is valid, all is perfect… please never squash any emotion, whatever it may be, feel it! All is divine!

    You are the dreamer, you are the dreamed, you are the paint, the paintbrush and the painting. Oh how beautiful you are.

    As one final note for this repertoire, I notice frequent separation of higher and lower self. Please scrub this idea entirely, it is non-existent. There is no such thing as a “lower” self, I prefer the term “focal point”, a point of perspective. It really is that simple, focus, no separation. Separation is formed when we deny who/what we are and we fall out of alignment. It is only a mirage formed by skewed perception and perspective, our “rising” is simply taking a step back to marvel at what we have been working on. Our paintbrushes are tired and would like a little break of pleasure/ecstasy/joy before continuing, so we’re doing that. It is always available in the moment of now, it is simply most choose not to maintain that state while in the midst of their creations. We’re coming back into remembrance of what we’re truly doing, it’s only that, the reason for our forgetting – to make the colours fuller and more vibrant!

    I have a feeling the idea of yugas may well exist and the golden age is a time of pure joyful ecstatic rest where we take a break and enjoy what we’re created while we’re planning what new to create and simply enjoying what is already there. Enjoy my friends, love is everywhere.

    Those of you out there reading this who can feel my energy in these words, hello!

    Love, a friend
  2. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    your skill as a writer seems ok . can you make literature ; a short-story
    perhaps ?
  3. tastyweat

    tastyweat Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank you, perhaps I will :)
  4. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

    Likes Received:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boHUhI1k8qM"]Kate Bush - The Painter's Link / Sunset - YouTube
  5. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    i've been having some visions lately ... and some have been paintings
    and sometimes just the elemental paint itself . i will be very conservative
    in making broad understandings from this way of knowing , tending to-
    ward patience . should any enlightenment be happening here it may exist
    as though preceding me , and surely i will follow .

    i've been most fascinated with looking at images of a great and calm
    sea .
  6. tastyweat

    tastyweat Member

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  7. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    as a painter , i would not respect this view of what i would do and why .
    a bad feeling can be more exemplified by what?
  8. tastyweat

    tastyweat Member

    Likes Received:
    Trying to translate old paradigm into new, no colour or feeling is really "bad"... only perfect for whatever context of expression may be appropriate to what you wish to express :)
  9. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    Bump to remind me to read this later
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    true enough statistically. how effectively true this is psionically is indeterminate.

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