we are all living in a pig-pen controlled by evil authorities that created a mass desception.

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by megagombombloid, May 6, 2019.

  1. megagombombloid

    megagombombloid Members

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    uh ya this might get deleted ._. all the authorities are much more connected than we think. government figures for a sense of us having power. They make it seem like money makes them powerful, and its all about money, boohoo fair game google and whatever just got up there. yea haha as if the tens of thousands of rich celebrities and big indistry owners that can make any huge change to the world that they please, at their fingertips. all just happen to be accumulating it til they die. knowing what they can do and never happens. Anyways their goal im not sure fully, but they are hiding the past, making stories and keeping us physiologically worn down to prevent us from accessing our full potential. There is more than what we can see just believe me. theres a million more fcked things i found out if you wanna know how just msg me its long and complicated
    Dude111 likes this.
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Not interested if you don't use paragraphs or the enter button.
    Ashalicious likes this.
  3. Driftrue

    Driftrue Banned

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    You're absolutely right.
  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Thanks :)
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I'm not the only one. There's some constructive advice in there :)

    If you care about your message being read by more people and want to be taken serious that is.
  6. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Pigs need grass to munch and butterflies to dream . Run , piggly , run . Unplug .
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Orison likes this.
  8. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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  9. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    actaully its created statistically by a culture of hating logic.
    evil authorities are partially illusion and partially narcessists riding the wave of indifference people have to the kind of world we all participate in creating.
    i'm not saying they don't exist, but they don't create themselves either. all us create them, facilitate them, tempt them irrisistably to exist.
    you see culture is this consensus thing, an unconscious consensus thing, that even if one person along can't do more then a tiny part of anything about it,
    its still us, and we don't have to be unconscious about HOW WE create it.

    all the hate all the anger all the bitterness, these create the tyranny. even whinning about it, instead of applying logic, consideration, honesty and imagination.
    without imagination there is no joy in life, without logic there is no way to avoid causing harm, without consideration there is only tyranny and without honesty there is only ignorance.

    that's how it works. when people love and practice logic, consideration, honesty and imagination, they can turn any hell into a heaven.
    when they hate those things, get others to hate, oppose and ignore them, that turns any heaven into a hell.

    its not something you can fix by pointing fingers and assigning blame. people who want us to do that, so they can exploit all the anger and hate,
    that's the conspiracy about it. that's called devide and concor. that's how politcs that has nothing else to offer,
    that pretends to conserve while conserving nothing, that's how that's able to exist.

    that's what fascism is, that's how it works, getting people to blame each other, instead of being honestly logical and considerate.
  11. megagombombloid

    megagombombloid Members

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    thanks. im trying to make a plan here, i still need details. best thing i found is literally use no products on your body, and store bought food. I grow wild type plants, water too mix the bubbles out plz
    ZenKarma likes this.
  12. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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  13. GuerrillaLorax

    GuerrillaLorax along the peripheries of civilization

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    I used to think a lot like that. But over the years I learned that our enemies are actually a lot less organized and coherent than we sometimes think they are.

    The State can't even maintain they're infrastructure, and they're agencies are very disorganized, to say the least. When government agencies do work together, you get catastrophies like this.

    The corporations are just as disorganized, seeing as they are in constant competition being capitalists and all.

    If the powers that be were some all-powerful entity, you wouldn't have effective mass resistance, direct action/sabotage and multiple autonomous zones.
  14. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    The concept of money and the idea we need to rank ourselves by it is the greatest deception. It's paper you need to show your worth and everyone else wants to steal your paper.

    Just as the book 1984 says if the proletariat understood their power they would not be the proletariat.

    Do you need some drugs to get though the workday? Well here is some caffeine to get you going and some alcohol to make you forget. We even give you a drug break during the day to get high on the caffeine so you produce for us. But don't you dare eat that mushroom. It all adds up for me. We are in a box of their design and not meant to know who we are.
    Irminsul likes this.
  15. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Who you are is a story . It may be tedious . Who are we ? The all of we can tell you a good story . And so love the world .
    Driftrue likes this.
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Good, good. Now all you need to do is link the whole agenda to our beginnings with the Anunnaki, and you'll see the bigger picture even more clearly.
  17. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    People organize like chickens, plain and simple. It is illegal to throw large sums of cash off the tops of tall buildings, because the chicken will kill themselves and each other fighting over their food. It is illegal to vote for Mickey Mouse in Maryland, because the only thing the voters care about is who can give them the best tax cuts, and all their candidates are Libertarians who promise them the moon. Of course, the only way to stop the damned chickens from destroying the entire world, is to show them the Big Picture of just how self-defeating they are. That's what my work is all about. Get mad! Get in the fucking chicken's face with the truth, but in the public domain where its all just mathematics in fuzzy logic Oneness Poems and no individual to attack.

    The secret to Three Stooges slapstick, is to not get dragged into it yourself, but be smarter than a damned chicken!
    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  18. GuerrillaLorax

    GuerrillaLorax along the peripheries of civilization

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  19. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    That video is funny as hell. The Buddha said, "Do not confuse the finger pointing at the moon with the moon itself". They're chickens people, often quite vicious chickens who can raise the hair on the back of your neck without saying a word. The trick is to be smarter than a damned chicken, not more powerful.
  20. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Indeed,...... People are letting themselves be caged and they dont even care!! (They have been made to be this way (Severly brainwashed))
    megagombombloid likes this.

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