In a Lunar eclipse where the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, the shadow of the Earth on the Moon is clearly elliptical. This simple fact should convince flat-Earthers of their idiocy but still they persist. Can you think of any other proofs to dissuade these jokers of their logical fallacy?
They do. There's loads on YouTube. If the Earth was a flat circle there'd be very little gravity and we'd fall off.
Well......Since I'm "Upside Down" Shouldn't All My Blood Rush To My Head...???.... Might Explain Some Of The "Hot Flushes" Iv'e Been Experiencing Lately..... Cheers Glen.
Fly around the world, Or take a sailboat around the world. Climb a tall mountain near the equator like Mt Mayon volcano in the Philippines---there you can actually see the earth's curvature.
I suppose it could be taken as a metaphor for how some people are flat thinkers. I remember I was stoned one time watching YouTube vids on flat-Earth theory and it was kind of amusing to imagine if the World was actually flat. I was semi taken in for a few minutes at one point but that's because I entertain the craziest shit haha.
Of course it is round----how else would it be at the center of the universe with everything else circling around it----they are heretics I say! (I'M JOKING!!!)
Watch a sail boat disappear over the horizon. First the bottom disappears then the top of the mast. If the Earth were flat the entire boat would appear to get smaller until it was no longer visible.