I went for a battery for my watch today The jewelers wanted Jeweler A £30 But they would have to send it away to be done because they are just Salesperson's Jeweler B £9 But they took it to a back room but brought it back because they Couldn't open it up Guy on a stall in the market took him two mins £2 Please What the Fuck ???
Just because they area big singing dancing shop, don't make them the best, but they do have to pay for the look, so who pays? You!
Funny though while I was out I went to get my reading Glasses Repaired ( Lost a screw ) Googled Specsavers one in St Helens So i took my Glasses They Fixed them and Tightened the frames up and Cleaned them ! I say to the guy "these Glasses have never Been any Frigging Good " when he gave them Back " No Charge sir " to which he says " Can't do anything about that Sir you never Got them from Here" looked at the case and it says Vision Express Oh Fuck !
You are merely fooling yourself, time is not a commodity to be bought and sold anymore than your freedom.
Not really, i said it for the same reason as you seem to react Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted (even when it was 'wasted' buying a watch). In this particular case it would not apply to me because I do not enjoy buying any watch.
Its an analog watch and merely goes round in circles never caring about whether it is midnight or noon.