Hello, I've got a bunch of those metal washers about the size of quarters and I don't know what to do with them. My mom (who is very crafty and I lurve her) mentioned something about hemp but I don't know how that would work. Help!
There are lots of things you could do with washers! Fashion-wise, use them like beads and string them together for a necklace. Weave hemp or other stringy lanyard-y thing through them and make some crazy woven necklace or handbag or hat or something. Put hooks on them, string some stringy stuff through a few of them, and make dangly earrings. Glue them or weld them together to make statues or sculptures or signs or whatever you want. Make a little teeny candelabra and put some small scented candles on it to hang up and light. Weave the washers into a dreamcatcher. There are so many things you can do with them. Oh, paint some of them a light color and some dark and use them for checkers or game board pieces. Hope those ideas help.
You're welcome, anytime. This is what I can do with my busy schedule, help others create things with my creative ideas, hehe.