Was Tony Blair Right?......

Discussion in 'U.K.' started by morrow, Mar 10, 2017.

  1. morrow

    morrow Visitor


    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    - It's a fair point Morrow - Given the "Intelligence" supplied by others, the buck stops with only one lead
    And there have been many who have avoided fronting up and hid from the consequences of doing so
    Who can justify any actions taken when intelligence suggests, woulda/shoulda Kennedy and Johnson been called into account for the Asian conflict? - or after supplying arms to one middle east country against another, before switching sides the Bush campaigns having to justify such?
    - How times have changed
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  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    It's true Wolf, well said!
  4. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    He wasnt wrong for going

    But now he has to endure the weight of public opinion, thats just the way it is. and hopefully he has enough moral fiber to understand those deaths are the consequence of his leadership and to feel remorse for it.
  5. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Yes - I think too that he was right to go.

    As for the Iraq war, I think he was pushed into it by George Bush. There may also be something in the idea that he (and others let's not forget) thought it would have been worse if America had done it alone. As for lying to the public - that's the daily bread of most of our political class.

    It's a great shame that Blair is now toxified as regards public opinion, especially as I'm sure many who now revile him were in favour of the invasion. We could do with him back right now.
  6. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Totally totally agree with you completely! UK needs Blair right now!
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  7. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Morrow - if nearly anyone else on here said that I'd strongly suspect they were being sarcastic................But I've read quite a few of your posts over a longish time, so I don't think you are.

    I'm glad you agree.
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  8. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    People have criticised me for my support of Blair, he changed this country!
    Conservatives have ruined it, yet again!
    But, I do think Kinnock would have made a great leader!
    Labour are finished, what they going to do now? I don't know.

    Thanks for the compliment Bill.
  9. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    The compliment is nothing compared to the effect on my trust in human nature I got from your 'like' of my post. It goes to show how guarded I feel about expressing any approval of Blair. I was pretty sure though that you meant what you said.

    OK the war was a mess, but he wasn't solely responsible, and I'm pretty convinced that the middle east was set to erupt into violence anyway, whether we went into Iraq or not. And even if we hadn't, the Americans would have done the job anyway.

    The war aside, Blair was about the best thing that ever happened for Labour. Trashed the Tories 3 times, and IMO could have won again if the others hadn't been so keen to replace him with comrade Brown.
    I often get stick from others for saying any good word about the man, but I think he's become a convenient scapegoat for the media and people in general to blame for the troubles in the Arab world. Truth is, the roots go way back into Islamic history and the history of imperialism. Meantime they ignore the period of relative prosperity and stability we had under New Labour.

    I agree completely that at the moment Labour look totally finished. When Corbyn took over, I had a brief period when I hoped...but totally in vain. Right now they are really in a mess, and this could end up a one party state if they can't somehow change drastically.
  10. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Your post, could have been me wrote that!
    IMO, Brown, was such a bad choice, although I don't know who could have replaced Blair, I hoped he could ride it out, but alas, yes, there had to be a scape goat! Unfortunately for Britain, it was Blair!
    I know people say he borrowed too much, but he repaired us from Thatcher, he gave us back so much, people have short memories!
    Now with the conservatives doing Brexit, I don't know what will happen!
    So many people already on the bread line, I fear for our country, but! I won't give up on it..
    I'm a Brit!
  11. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    It's bad at present and I fear it's going to get worse under this present lot of Tories.

    People do seem to have very short memories. Imagine if in 2000 you'd told someone about the 'gig' economy, the run down of public services, foodbanks, a seemingly endless future of phoney 'austerity' stretching out ahead...

    Currently, the UK govt. owes 1.5 trillion or so, and it increases by over £5,000 per second. Well over 90% of GDP. In 2005, under Blair we owed less than 0.5 trillion. The financial crash of 2008 screwed things up, but the myth that under the tories we borrow less is so much nonsense.
  12. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Imagine some younger ones now, living through the threat of losing your home! Suddenly all business around you closing, unions disappearing!
    Then someone says get on your bike, go to another town to find work, then dockers losing their jobs, miners losing their jobs...Riots in Britain! Ha!
    The police given PACE! Remember life before PACE?

    Every time conservatives get in, Britain loses its great..But this time, I don't know!
  13. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    The 80's under Thatcher were pretty bad. I remember it only too well.

    This current lot though - Even old Tories like Hesaltine and Major are being very critical. I think they're about the worst we've had in modern times. I can see them taking the country into a very bad place.
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