Lol Kid went home and Tore up the photo he had taken with the Big guy !
gotta feel for that santa just a little bit. it's his job to have preschoolers sit on his lap and get their picture taken, then this fat nine year old comes and crushes his leg. i'd be annoyed too. no excuse though, he really shouldn't be a santa unless there's important information being left out here.
Santa has been screwed so much since the 80s. Look how he was robbed. Oracle stole his database concept, FedEx stole his overnight delivery system and the Chinese destroyed his toy operation putting millions of elves on welfare. His special breed of reindeer was put on the endangered species list, so he can't use them for labor anymore. The ig guy has really taken some hits. So the only gig he can get is having to tolerate being puked upon, pissed on and jumped on by fat little morons. If you really care about Santa, forget the cookies and milk. Leave him some scotch and a hooker! By the way, Nicholas was real. He stands out because he refused to hand over his inheritance to the Vatican. Instead he used it to enrich the lives of people, primarily children. We celebrate the Germanic interpretation since it's more commercially viable than an orthodox Turkish monk!
Look, what do we know about this Santa guy anyway? We know he's a jolly guy who wears a flaming red suit from head to toe with very prominent white fur trim--even around tops of his shiny black boots--and he wants to come into your house after dark and give some presents to your kids after having watched them--apparently behind the scenes (otherwise known as stalking)--throughout the year enough to know whether they've been naughty or nice. Why are we okay with this? For some free presents? Ever wonder why he doesn't travel with his wife? Does he even really have a wife? Anybody ever seen her? I didn't think so.
If you're fat at 9 years of age, then you need to get your shit together and the parents should know that and do something about it. Just accepting yourself or your kid as fat is not helping anybody. Self acceptance is not what you want in this situation. Loving yourself enough to change is. Being fat comes with tons of problems.
Old fashioned thinking Spiff. These days paper delivery is the exclusive domain of retired slobs in beat to fook old vans. Kids don't have a chance at territory and were run out of the business long ago.
not in my area it always kids still doing it (although now their parents drive them from house to house not like i did it with my bike and my dog in the snow or rain no one ever drove me)
yeah, paper delivery is mostly done by the retired here too. well technically, it's mostly done by the internet, but the few physical papers that go out are delivered by an old guy in a beat up old car. fat kids need to shovel snow for cash and exercise.
I don't think being told to lay off burgers and fires is really that offensive. Big mate loves his pies and burgers. You hear that shit all the time. Lol. The real problem is the mentality of the family that even though have made a fuss and gotten an apology and publicity they "still hope he loses his job". Yeah, well. Karma works in funny ways and maybe it'll be one of them who lose their jobs and then can't take bacon double cheese boy out to Burger King!
not sure if papers are still delivered where i grew up but around here every store has a stack of the local paper. there is no house deliveries
No problem, a million likes won't chase away my warning points. A quick update so folks can see proper research was done: