According to news by Daily Mail couple of weeks ago he really was. What do you think? Sinead O'Connor told police that Prince had a life-long drug habit | Daily Mail Online
I had always known Prince was a great guitarist, but since his death Id have put him in my top 10. Cause And Effect 1:01:10
Sure, but all the power Prince had I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg...we all know how celebrities and rich people hate scandals.
if you don't know someone personally, in their off time, their personal with who they want to be with and aren't getting paid to be with time, then whatever you may hear, wherever you may hear it, you really don't know them at all. and you know what; if they're not trying to run a country, or something that has the potential, to personally and profoundly affect you're own life, then you know, i don't understand how celebraty would make it any of my concern.
i wouldn't put much faith in anything anything human says. or writes. including religious texts. just the universal wonder of strangeness. now that i put faith in. and that nothing has to be known to exist. but not that anything that might exist owes anything to anything anyone says or writes. (i have no personal knowledge of either of the personages mentioned only that they are personages of known names)
Prince was a sweetie and everybody loved him. He even had secret sex chamber. How cool is that. He was super-talented and gorgeous. I hope he got off from getting high.
Liked his music, thought he was talented. Since he died of a drug overdose, seems he might've had drug issues, as someone else said. The monster thing seems a bit off base. Was she living with him and hurt by him? Don't know. Haven't heard much about that. Just like all the musicians dead before their time linked to drugs: Elvis, Morrison, Joplin, Jackson... these folks had issues that sent them to drugs for pain relief. Existential pain relief. If you take those kinds of drugs long enough, an accident's bound to happen. If he was addicted, it's amazing he lived so long. And lucky for us that we got such good music and performances to remember him by.
A celebrity will always have people who worship them. They also often develop bad habits that make them unlikable people. But unlike the average Joe people will put up with a lot more because of what the celebrity can do for them. Their girlfriend gets a nice house, you get on the VIP list at the club etc. So if they never get that wake up call that they are an ass they will continue to be an ass.