Was I "tripping" On Pot Or Is This Within The Normal Range Of Experiences?

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by powerquest, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    I'm a college student and a fairly new smoker (started last year but done it less than 20 times), but I've been starting to smoke more lately since I got the # of a guy who sells. My friends and i got busted by cops once last semester, and since then i've been very on edge about smoking outside (doing it in my room is out for a number of reasons). The other day, after anxiously roaming campus by myself in search of a safe spot to partake, I was able to vape from my magic flight launch box and proceeded to get reeeally high :D I normally consider weed a bit psychedelic and "trip" a lot more than my friends do (good CEV and very spaced out), but this experience was a lot more so.

    But anyway, the place i found to vape was a good 20 minute walk from my dorm, so i had a long way back and started getting a bit paranoid (becaise i still had stuff on me). My thoughts got extremely jumbled, and i could almost audibly hear an inner dialog that mishmashed a bunch of words together into a totally incoherent language...a little disturbing. The best comparison i can draw is the "word salad" that psychologists see in schizophrenics. It was quite unpleasant but i dealt with it. And I had a very strong feeling of dissociation while walking that felt almost as if my body was fading away and my mind was walking five feet in front of it, like i got myself into a bit of a trance looking at the buildings up ahead (which took on a very "alien" quality). Another odd part was that the chirping of crickets took on a very synthetic sound, and took on a perfect (TOO perfect) "metronomic" rhythm that obviously wasn't reflected in normal reality. And I had some fleeting OEV (like a weird room that superimposed itself on my vision) and had to remind myself that i had smoked.

    Overall, the experience was interesting but sucked because after being all paranoid, i lost my room key and after unsuccessfully roaming campus to find it, had to sleep it off in the school library Ii woke up and then remembered where it was lol). So i didn't get to sit back and relax at all. I dealt with it ok and didn't freak out, but it still wasn't fun and left me feeling really down the next day.

    My question is, was this experience unusually mind-altering for marijuana? Or was it mostly "set and setting" and the fact that i didn't get to relax at all? Plus it was ~3 am and i hadn't been getting much sleep. I think it would have been really awesome if the setting was good. I ask because i really want to try more powerful psychedelics, but i worry that if i "trip" on weed, i might have lots of trouble with stronger substances. Any advice?

  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    weed can be pretty intense. i remember the first time i got properly stoned, i was trying to keep up with some kids that had high tolerances and definitely tripped out. lots of auditory distortion.

    it coulda been PCP laced weed but i doubt it. you were probably just really stoned man. i have paranoia too sometimes, if i get too stoned, as i rarely smoke anymore and so have zero tolerance.
  3. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    It was 3 am and you hadn't been getting much sleep. That alone will make almost any experience unbearable. Definitely take psychedelics more seriously if you decide to do them. this experience is normal for pot :)
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  4. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    The thing is, I love dissociation and the alien quality of things, and open eye visuals are great. If i was just chilling somewhere safe listening to the Moody Blues or something, it would have been amazing and the negative stuff probably would have faded away pretty fast. The paranoia, the voices, and the weird synthesizer crickets were what freaked me out. It also didn't help that i was by myself. Having a buddy there would have been much better. And Mr.Writer is right, being tired (and stressed out from homework) certainly made it harder.

    But in retrospect, I'm glad that it happened because it was educational, and there were some really cool parts too. I'll take everything more into account next time, and I'm glad to hear that this wasn't too unusual. Thanks!
  5. GreyGoo

    GreyGoo Members

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    Weed doesn't have such a good effect on me too buddy, I enjoyed it a great deal when I was younger but I generally stay clear these day however don't let these experiences put you of other psychedelics because I still have a great time tripping with other things it's just that I don't smoke weed and I can live with that. =)
  6. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    With no tolerance, I can get uncomfortably high for the better part of a day on around a 20th of a gram of good pot.

    You had a normal experience. Sometimes using weed comfortably requires mantaining a sort of working tolerance.
  7. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    I consider weed to be psychedelic too, and it's actually classified as such, though some people don't agree with that classification. It's also a dissociative. As with all drugs, you have to consume the right amount of weed. Learn to stop when you feel that you've had enough. Also, when you smoke, keep in mind that the effects can sometimes continue to intensify for ~5 minutes after you finish smoking.

    As for the birds, marijuana can cause very pronounced audio distortions. I once got so stoned that I could've sworn I heard the melody of Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" emanating from a window-mounted air-conditioning unit. It was awesome. Those audio effects are great though, especially when you listen to some music. Listening to music is one of my favorite things to do when I'm stoned. You were speaking about the psychedelic qualities of weed..........listen to music to fully utilize those qualities.

    As for the inner-dialogue.........maybe you should try smoking indica strains instead of sativa strains. Sativa strains produce more of a mental high, whereas indica strains produce more of a body high. You could also try listening to music, because it's very easy to get lost in some music if you get high enough. I happen to love the inner-dialogue, personally. I've had some very trippy conversations with myself.
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  8. powerquest

    powerquest Member

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    I think it was more of a set and setting thing, ya know? I was all nervous and crazy as it was, and walking across campus alone at night is kinda creepy as it is. And the internal dialog would have been awesome if it was in comprehensible English! lol. It's happened to me before and it was really cool...I went to text someone, and I heard my words in a child's voice...and I realized that our "social voice", the one we use to interact with others, isn't fully realized...it's immature. It just works on a superficial surface level, but doesn't really reach the depth of ideas. The real me is in my thoughts, not the voice i use to interact with others. Just a thought...but anyway, enough of my ramblings :D

    And that's so awesome and funny about the air conditioner haha

    And I love that you have the Eyedea quote at the bottom of your posts! I just found his music this month and it's amazing.

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