But what if you died and were just living on as a ghost in other people's imaginations. That's really got me freaked out right now. I don't believe it's true, though. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to make posts on the internet if I was a ghost.
And that's not the half of it. In my imagination I have an astonishing dreamland. I don't think it's anything exceptional, but I always really enjoy my dreams.
I don't share any of this with anyone in a way that could get them to experience it, though. Like, don't you have to experience something purely subjectively, or do we all share a mind somehow. How immediate are the senses, is the question. There's no way of telling that I can think of. Are they primary, or are they secondary? Well, you may think secondary, but I feel primary.
Yeah, maybe sort of. I feel I'm made of matter. I just know that there's no way for me to tell what matter is. It could be spiritual, and the less we know about the spiritual the more spiritual it seems. I mean, define the substance of the world. You can't even do that with math.
it doesnt matter that you are matter.. everything that is matter, has been around forever.. water is matter, human being 70% water.. not that it matters..
It's not that it doesn't matter; it's just not that important. It's not important enough to have a concrete beginning or end. You aren't ever "born." A chronological order of events is just something that occurs in the third dimension. We really aren't perceptive of everything. From a higher dimension we just appear as objects. Which means we are invisible. And in a higher dimension, entropy doesn't exist. It is merely the fuzzy surface of a furry ornament. We are the universe, and to say what it does is to say the exact same things as we say about ourselves. The universe likes to skateboard. The universe hates itself. It's slightly idiotic that people think the universe came alive in us and will die with us. Like all of this, the stars and the galaxies, and the yellow moon on Halloween...is all just stupid. The universe doesn't come alive for nothing. Life is not the least important element of nature. Anyone who seriously considers the scale of the cosmos would agree, I would think, that this whole thing is not just stupid. That the weight of the true nature of reality has no impact whatsoever of the core of our own being. The infinite isn't unlike us in any way. So either we will live, or it will die. And yes, I realize that I am not responding to anyone who is actually talking to me.
every possibility is one of infinite many, of which there are infinite minus one. the thing is, from my perspective, the non-physical is not limited to the imaginary, merely the unobservant, and perhaps not ever to that. what it doesn't owe, is anything to what anyone tries to tell each other. spooky is in the eye of the beholder. a product of one's chosen perspective.
Sometimes when I am with a group of people I imagine the possibility that I am mad and imagining them, and that anyone observing me would see me sitting talking to myself. Not really the same but similar,and it gives me a spooky shiver.