warm sub tropical island commune needs help

Discussion in 'Communal Living' started by gringo_in_caribbean0, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. gringo_in_caribbean0

    gringo_in_caribbean0 Member

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    ok first off here is the web site where you can find plenty of local communitites near you and you can also do a search in Puerto Rico and find out more about us and contact information.

    now that being said Howdy!
    we need some farmers and gardeners to help become more self sustaining. we got plenty of room just not many people and who we do have cant grow anything.

    alittle about us we are 4 single parent families total of 5 people over age 16 and 9 under 16.
    we are very family friendly but so not want anybody forcing any belief on others curently we have a practing wiccan a babtist a cathloic and agnostic. so we are open to all as long as nothing is forced on another person. we belive that as long as what you do is not harming anohter person you fine. but because of so many children we tend to do out own things in our own areas. such as smoking its allowed no problem but respect the wishes of others and do not smoke in common areas that are enclosed.

    that was an example but basically if you want to be part of a family and respect the wishes of each other while still being free to do as you wish in your area and willing to help take part in the care and maintence of the communitity. then your welcom to join us...bring a tent build a cabin, hut, home what ever...

    http://directory.ic.org/geo/ search for puerto rico

  2. gringo_in_caribbean0

    gringo_in_caribbean0 Member

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    howdy again people. i have gotten 3 messages abotu this post and i am thinking now maybe it was a bad idea to sujest contacting me persoanlly. because all 3 have basically said and asked the same questions. so in future go ahead and ask here please it may save you the hassle of looking up my contact info.

    ok now ill try to answer a couple of the more common questions
    no we dont have a fee to join or monthly dues or anything.

    we lease the land from the goverment and its incredably cheap, but its also stipulated to be an easment to other land. so i cant block the road that runs through the middle. and the natinal guard reserves the right to pratice manervers there. but not destroy property. by agreeing to those terms you wouldnt belive how cheap it was.

    and to save another question its 1.00 an acre per year and its 350 acres.. so as i said its cheap.

    yes we need farmers but its not required to know farming but a willingness to learn is great. any added skills are nice to have around. and if not skilled just be willing to learn will do.

    we all vote on issues concering money (adults) (16 and over)
    children have a say also in chores and minor rules as they become needed. but the important stuff is for the adults.

    alternative lifestyles are fine with us we just do not force anything on anybody and we have plenty of room where if you wanted to howl at the moon totally naked with your body covered in honey you could and nobody else would see. but in common areas i dont think its approatite.

    as of now children outnumber the adults we are 4 single parent families

    1 divorced male and 3 divorced females all with 2 or more children living on site,

    the 5th largest and fastes growing part of the island is withen walking distance
    aguadill has many attractions and brings lots of turists to the area and turisim is where we generate money. buy selling items we make. such as hand painted sea shells and the like.

    well i think that about covers the questions i have had sofar....hope it helps and id be happy to see some people show up even if it was just for the summer or winter or what ever.... some new faces and new stories would be nice around a bonfire on the beach.
  3. FreedomRyver

    FreedomRyver Member

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    I am very interested in this, i have been looking for somthing like this for awhile now, id like to hear a little more info about this community though.What are the ages of the people living there? do you have any pics? and what goes on in a normal day at the community. Sorry for all the questions but ive never been part of one before and im not really sure what its like.
    But i feel thats the way i want to live and yours sounds exellent.If youd like some information about me just let be know. Im looking forward to hearing back from you.
    Thank you
  4. gringo_in_caribbean0

    gringo_in_caribbean0 Member

    Likes Received:
    i recently added some pics of the nearby area to my gallery and will be adding more soon of the property and some of the buildings that need worked on.

    ages we have range from 2 yr to 15 in the children there is 9 of them and 16-41 in the adults 5 of us. so we are out numberd by the kids of the adults all but 1 is female and the children is pretty even mix.

    as for what goes on in a day. well some of us have regualr jobs that adds extra money to the communitity we take turns doing the everyday chores like cooking for the group and such. and getting the kids to and from school. taking care of the animals horses goats sheep ect ect
  5. FreedomRyver

    FreedomRyver Member

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    You know what? i seen the scenery and location in your gallery, and if your willing -you got yourself a farmer-:) ,i have a strong interest in horticulure and animals, and can work very hard. Do you have an msn account were we can talk further about this?
  6. FreedomRyver

    FreedomRyver Member

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    Just let me know if you are interested:)
  7. TokeTrip

    TokeTrip Senior Member

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    I'll be very interested in a few years. When I'm out of high school I mean. My parents expect me to go to college, but that's not really what I have planned. It'll either be moving to the U.K. (Near glasgow specifically) and helping out with a friend of mine who grows (marijuana, shrooms, and cherry tomatoes) or moving to a community.
  8. hawkrider

    hawkrider Member

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    My ladyfriend (47), her son (15), and myself (58) are looking for a lifestyle change and the tropics seem to be the answer. Currently we live in Florida and talking of going south. I'd like to hear from you personally thru my E-mail, please drop me a line.
    What are your electric sources, water, sanitation, etc ?
    It is my understanding that passports are not needed.
    More when I hear from you.
    Thanks, Jay
  9. wideyed

    wideyed Member

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    damn dude. i have an agricultural diploma and five yrs experience farming cereals and oilseeds in western canada, not to mention vegetable gardening and indoor gardening, (hydroponics), but i need a pardon to travel to a us property.. :(. i just quit my job too and am sitting here thinking about rearranging my life.. maybe by the spring i could have my pardon paid for.. anyway,for now i'm still a wisher not a doer.
  10. miller

    miller Banned

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    i know a little bout farming and i am willing to learn anything...i work hard on what i am told to do..i used to to be in the us army..having been out for two years i have no direction and am looking to change my life...i only have a few questions...is there power...any communications....and would i be able to smoke somthing other than ciggarettes
  11. gringo_in_caribbean0

    gringo_in_caribbean0 Member

    Likes Received:
    sorry i had been away and not replied for the past month , a storm knocked out the phone line and since we were only customer on that cable they were in no hurry to repair it but it up now ill try to get replies out tonight thanks
  12. miller

    miller Banned

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    well i have been thinking and talking to my mom and some people and i think ill come down to lend a pair of hands..all i need top do it straighten a few things out and save up the money to get there and i am on my way
  13. wideyed

    wideyed Member

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    rock on miller :)
  14. gringo_in_caribbean0

    gringo_in_caribbean0 Member

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    Columbus Ohio? hmm i was from Cincy hows the weather been up there ?
    down here it never changes more than 10deg 80s in winter and 90s in summer, if you ever do decide to come down mind bringing a few items? LOL i like a few jars a frishes tarter sauce. and some cincy chili mix. and some white castle. LOL none of those are to be found here.
  15. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    i used to live in orocovis ....we grew a lil of everything ...gondules ,yuca ,batatas ,nyame .chayotes malanga , yaltia gineos ect .
  16. Gyva02

    Gyva02 WACKY

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    Sent you a E-mail... please let em know if it doesn't arrive.

  17. TheMagicalMushy

    TheMagicalMushy Senior Member

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    Im going to Pm you in a second. Stay on
  18. gringo_in_caribbean0

    gringo_in_caribbean0 Member

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    im sorry but if 15 is your correct age. i think maybe you should come with your parents or wait a few years.

    i cant see where taking a minor in would be good for us here. i mean what if you got sick or hurt or something? we would have no legal right to tell doctors what they could and could not do to you.

    the laws here are kinda funny it is part of the us and federal laws apply but the local legal system is based on the spanish legal code. and a person can not even have a car in their name or rent a car here untill they are atleast 21.

    even to get married under the age of 21 you need the parents consent.

    so it nothing against you but i really do not belive it is a good idea.
  19. gringo_in_caribbean0

    gringo_in_caribbean0 Member

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    orocovis is ok ,should start a water melom farm down here. those things cost a small fortune here and anytime you see a truck on the road selling them its busy and sells out in a day. for crazy prices. like 10.00 for a water melon the size of a cantalope. we tried to grow some here in aguadilla but i guess there is just to much salt in the ground here they wont grow and the few that did looked like a drug addict hehehe

    i also have a much smaller place in Sabana Grande right part of the land borders the aqua duct and river that feeds it. near Sausa state part. and i am really considering going there full time because fresh water is much more readely availble and our buisness of making horse dran equipment is taking off rather well. but most of the customers are down in the south of the island where it much more rural. and the customers keep telling me i should be closer to them for they are having troubles getting the wagons and such all they back down there.
  20. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    it was pretty country around isabella ....we mostly stayed up in the mountains .....ive seen a few folks do those cannonball melones ....but a bunch of em might be tricky .ive been to sabanagrande once ....ill have to look at a map ....

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