I'm looking for people interested in starting a commune/intentional community in West Virginia based on democratic decision making and equal sharing of work, income and resources. I would also love any advice from anyone whom has lived in communes before or who can point me to any good research materials. If you're interested and live in West Virginia or may want to move here one day please let me know.
Hi PNGuin, I live in northern Colorado. I has been a long time since I had any connection to communes. They were great in the 1970s when people truly cared about each other. Today I get most of my information from IC.org. The problem that I see with the communes/Intentional Communities today is that they are expensive, and needlessly so. They want the folks joining them to foot too much of the bill. The others are free and never work out, because they fail financially. It seems there could be a balance between the two extremes. If you are going to get folks to join, it has to be affordable in the joining and the monthly costs. If you have the place out in the country in West Virginia, you would have to account for a source of clean water. In Colorado, we start with good well water and put a whole house filter system. Usually that is 120 micron filters, 60 micron filters, and a charcoal filter. In your area you may need to do primary filtration in tanks, with river rock or something like that, to get mine sludge out of it. Also out west, we have lots of sun, so we use solar power. The growing of a big garden should be easy where you are at. You will also need to let people know if your place would be religious, so they have an understanding of what they are getting into. Best of Luck, from Stormountainman