Want more sex from my hubby - oiral

Discussion in 'Oral Sex' started by justfunwatching, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. justfunwatching

    justfunwatching Guest

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    I have been with my Hubby for 6 years. I have a higher sex drive then him. I love having sex with him but I am lucky if we have sex once a week (which I don't think is a healthy sexual relationship). I am wondering what I can do to get my hubby into having sex more often. I am more then willing in the bedroom and have never turned him down for sex. I love when he eats me out but he does not do that anymore. I will suck him if he just asks. I will even suck off my pussy juice. I also love when he fucks me and has his finger in my asshole and fucks me with it. Any advice?
  2. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    Did you have sex more often earlier in your relationship? Do you have children now?
  3. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    its likely boredom....change it up....

    shave your pussy clean as a surprise.....

    use a flavored douche and tell him you want his opinion

    don't be shy and stop taking 'no'' for an answer

    if it isn't boredom....could be weight gain ....bad hygiene and he is afraid to say something....double check your maintenance:)

    good luck
  4. justfunwatching

    justfunwatching Guest

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    I am very clean down there I also shave (no bush here) ;). A few years back (when our sex life 1st went down) he had a tear on his foreskin and it was very painful for him to have sex. It has now healed. He has put on weight since he has quit smoking over a year and half ago.

    He does not let me go on top at all! I have thought about buying an intro to anal sex for I am not against it. Also thought of adding some toys to our sex life (a vibrator in my vagina that he controls).

    He wants me to sleep naked and has told me that we would have more sex if I did that. I did for a month and nothing really changed (he likes the room cold and I sleep better when I am warm).

    I am very willing to try new things. Any ideas how to spice it up more?
  5. justfunwatching

    justfunwatching Guest

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    We did have more sex at first but over the years it has gone down. We do have a kid but she is in bed by 8pm and not up til 7am so lots of time for us to have our fun!
  6. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    put on something new and sit on his face. if he says no, then maybe you guys need some marriage counselling. or maybe he should get a physical and make sure it isn't health related.
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  7. terracotta27

    terracotta27 Member

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    try some sexier lingerie; try giving him massages or shared massages -that should revert to some pleasant sex. Let him know you find his body sexy, maybe he is down on himself about his weight gain.
  8. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    frying pan to skull.. while yelling EAT MY PUSSY YOU SELFISH FUCK!!!
  9. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    maybe if you stopped worrying about it and just accept the once a week sex things will improve with time....like a fine wine

    once a week isn't that bad for 6 years of marriage

    invest in high end comforter and sheets so you feel good sleeping naked

    a loose t shirt and thong is always my fave thing for a girl to wear to bed
  10. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

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    Make your vajayjay taste like a cupcake. (It'll tingle and feel awesome too.)
  11. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    dont fuck him or suck him til he complies.
  12. PineMan

    PineMan Senior Member

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    That's exactly why I ended up having to undergo my own circumcision. I got a cut in my foreskin following a cycling accident, but although it healed, the scarring would regularly tear. This tearing would then heal, but on each scarring & healing it would gradually tighten the skin, thus eventually causing a phimosis, making it difficult to retract the foreskin.

    If he has a similar situation his scarring may have torn slightly, thus , as in my own case, making it sensitive & even painful to use.
  13. xXKittyxCrusaderXx

    xXKittyxCrusaderXx Member

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    If all else fails fuck yourself or suggest an open relationship
  14. KingWilly

    KingWilly Member

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    OP, few questions:
    • Do you initiate sex or do you wait for him to initiate? There's nothing wrong with you initiating things
    • Does he say he's just tired or something?
    • So you mean to tell me that after your kid has gone to bed if you reach for his manhood and start rubbing him, what would he do? Would he pull away or go with it?
    • If you get in bed with him and start stroking him, what does he do?
    • If you on your own tried to give him a blow job, what does he do? Does he reject it?
    • Have you ever just flat out asked him what the deal is? Is he just tired? is he just not attracted to you? Does he just have no sex drive? Does it hurt him? Can he not get it up?

    Honestly I know everyone is different and it sucks when two people don't have the same sex drive, but a man who rejects sex is no man IMHO. The day I reject sex with my wife I better be sick or dying
  15. Filthy Casual

    Filthy Casual Members

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    I would suggest that out of the blue while he's watching tv walk up, drop to your knees, unzip his pants, and give him the greatest blowjob you can muster. When you finish him get up without saying a word and walk away. If he doesn't follow i suggest taking him to the doctor...

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