Wanna get a nose piercing..

Discussion in 'Body Modification' started by Penny, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. Penny

    Penny Supermoderaginaire

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    .. does it hurt? Do you think it would look good on me? (see gallery). Some people tell me it would look great, some other say it would ruin the beauty (??) of my face. Yeah right, the beauty. Anyways.. advice? :)
  2. Penny

    Penny Supermoderaginaire

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    Btw: I had my bellybutton pierced, but by a nurse, with anesthesia.. aside from my ears, I never got anything pierced without anesthesia! So I'm freaking out.. being very sensitive to pain.

    I'm gonna get my bellybutton pierced again though... had to remove my ring cause it got infected, but I feel like getting it pierced again.. does it hurt without anesthesia? More or less than nose piercing?
  3. Salukigraves85

    Salukigraves85 Member

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    My Girlfriend just got her's peirced and she as afraid it was going to hurt bad. She said it was a peice of cake, didnt really hurt at all. I would say, go in calm, relaxed and you will be fine. The more relaxed you are the better you will be able to handle it. But everyone has different pain tolerances. So anyones opinion will be different than your actual experiance.
  4. Elle

    Elle Senior Member

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    it was my least painful piercing. imo, it would be best to go with a cork screw ring...they are the easiest to rotate & clean and also remove if you need to.
  5. YellowBellyHippy

    YellowBellyHippy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Mine wasn't that bad ...it did make my eye water though..it was so quick though. Thats what I was most surprised about, how quick it was.

    And you are amazingly beautiful and I think it would look fab on you! Go get it done girl and show it off to us when you are done!
  6. skankleft

    skankleft Member

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    Ahh... I hate the "did it hurt" question. Drives me nuts.

    Go here --> http://p196.ezboard.com/fbodypiercingtattooingandbodymodificationfrm87

    pain is different for everyone. It might be the most painful thing you've ever expierenced.. it might not hurt at all. Depends on the spot, piercer and person.

    and yes I think it would suit you. Get a hoop:)
  7. Penny

    Penny Supermoderaginaire

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    lol I know it depends on a buncha things.. I'm just such a WIMP!! :p

    BTW how much does a piercing cost in the U.S? Should I maybe wait til I'm back to Europe? What about tattoos? Color ones I mean.
  8. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    I got my nose pierced three years ago. First body mod (after ear piercings) and it didn't hurt that bad to me at all (of course, I do have a high pain tolerance), it's over super-fast. Unlike a tattoo, that is sort of an "over and over" thing. The nose peircing did make my eye water, but totally worth it. I love my piercing. Although, I did take it out the second day because the cat that did it put in a ring that had a really big gauge...so I took it out and put in a stud. LOL...probably stunted the healing process, but it's fine now...
  9. icedteapriestess

    icedteapriestess linguistic freak

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    Same question, different slant:

    To how great of an extent does the piercing inhibit normal nose blowing/wiping?
  10. Elle

    Elle Senior Member

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    the cost will differ everywhere. back home in FL my nose piercing cost $25 (jewelry inlcud.) and here in TN it costs from $40-60. Just price around, but make sure you go to someone you feel good about doing it right/clean, etc. Esp with tats.....you spend only once on something that will last a lifetime so i'd say quality over price anyday. last time i priced around tats it was around $100 per hour or about $80-100 for a small to medium size piece. that was a few years ago though.
  11. Elle

    Elle Senior Member

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    none at all. even when mine was in the healing process it did not inhibit that one bit (and i have bad allergies so im always blowing my nose)
  12. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    I pierced my nose myself [dont go this route of course] but honestly it didn't hurt at all. Since it's mostly cartilage it just pops really loudly, but that was about it; I didn't find it painful at all.

    Just make sure afterwards you clean it a lot because it's easy to get an infection in your nose with all the snot and what not floating up into it.

    I suggest some sort of ointment for after care and/or mix about a tsp. of sea salt in a cup of hot/warm water and using that mix on a cloth to hold on the piercing to ease any soreness or swelling. It's a weird method but it works.

    Nose piercings are fun, and I DO think it would look great on you! :) Most anyone can pull off a hot nose piercing in my opinion.
  13. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    It doesn't inhibit the blowing/wiping all that much. It's funny though, cuz at the moment I have a hoop in my nose and I sort of had to cut it to fit closer to my face (I hate the ones that stick out really far), so there is a gap between the two ends and my dreads get caught on it A LOT just in a typical day. Especially at work. And sometimes I worry, when I have a stud in, if there is a booger sticking on the ball of the stud...it's only happened once, but I still am self conscious about it if I'm sniffily that day.
  14. olehappyhippy

    olehappyhippy cosmic traveler

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    I am thinking of getting one...i am man..will it looks good?..loop..yes?..I havent seen men having one...anyone?..
  15. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    My male cousin has a nose piercing...he's kinda got one of those wild crazy looks...so it suits him. Some guys I think it'd look good on...others, not so much...show a pic!
  16. Bella_Donna

    Bella_Donna *Femme Fatale*

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    I've had my nose pierced for almost three years. Blowing and wiping your nose will be the same, except at the very beginning. Your nose will be sensitive, so naturally, blowing your nose will be a little painful. But, that disappears quickly. Take good care of it. I've never had an infection in any of my six piercings and that's because I cleaned them religiously.

    With time though, you'll find boogeys get stuck in the screw sometimes. It's nasty, but easily fixed. Mostly happens with a cold...

    As for pain, I found my nose was my most painful piercings, but I was also brutally dumped the same day I got it, so I maybe biased.:p
  17. moonlightshaddow

    moonlightshaddow Member

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    It would look really cute on you!

    I guess all piercings have atleast a bit of pain with them, but in my personal experience getting my nose done doesnt stand out in my memory to be one of the most painful. (found navel to be more painful than nostril)
    So yeah..
    its got alot to do with your piercer, the tecniques they use, whether they're a gentle and what they use to pierce the skin. I gotta say GO WITH THE NEEDLE, NOT THE GUN - although you could probably get away alright without the needle, and piercings done with the needle is more expensive, its safer than the gun. Apparently the gun can sometimes shatter the cartilage and its more hygenic, with less bleeding (and better positioning?) when going with the needle. being calm and trying not to stress out heaps (deep breathing exercises help!) makes the experience heaps easier too. Aftercare is so important because infected nose piercings are a bitch. (if you do feel pain at the time, it'll be worth it when your piercing is all healed and preeeeettyful!)
    Good luck if you get it done :)
  18. icedteapriestess

    icedteapriestess linguistic freak

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    Not to hijack Penny's thread... but I have one more question (sorry Penny)

    I'm not worried about pain.... had other piercings done in much more sensitive areas. Pretty much the only thing I worried about was sinus issues. I've been doin some research, and it sounds good. Always wanted one, but my work wouldn't let me... and now, i don't work there, so I am good to go.

    Hoop or stud?
  19. Elle

    Elle Senior Member

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    i have problem sinuses and a cork screw ring was always awesome because if you need to shove the tissue in your nose or somthing the cork screw is shaped so that it kind of goes with the flow...if you get what i mean. when i had my hoop in it was a bit of a pain in the ass to blow my nose and such.
  20. Bella_Donna

    Bella_Donna *Femme Fatale*

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    Not to be contradictory, but I prefer the hoop. I've had my nose done twice, (I let it grow in the first time, but repierced it again three years ago). The first time I had the screw and the second I had the hoop.

    I found cleaning with the hoop a lot easier. It didn't get infected and I was able to change it a few weeks after getting it done. I now have a screw in it and that'll probably be the way it is forever. But at the beginning, I found everything worked better with the hoop*.

    *except the hoop I had was really big and gawdy. I hated how it looked.

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