I mentioned this book before, The Witch's Guide to Wands by Gypsey Elaine Teague. The overall element assigned to wands is Air, Air being projective, sending energy outward, like the Athame, which is Fire. Because wands are from an organic source, each has its own element assigned to it as well. Wands should always be collected from a fallen branch, never cut. Pay attention to the direction where it fell. Wands don't have to be pretty after sanding. Reflect on the symbols you want to burn onto it.
I have some experience with a wand, but I feel like I've never learned from someone who has a proficient technical knowledge of this thing. Is anyone here an expert, or have any more specifics to share? Wanting to share perspectives with other practitioners! It can be hard to find.
When making sacred objects the most important thing is intent and the purpose dictates the type of wood to use. Follow your heart. Follow your inner intuition. If you do those things you cannot go wrong. It does not have to be pretty or perfect.
What types of things do you use projective objects like a wand for, personally, if you don't mind me asking?