wandering imagination

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by pink floyd, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Ms.Oh!

    Ms.Oh! Senior Member

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    oh, thank god im not the only one.

    its funny, i really dont have a death wish. im not one of those people that would ever hurt myself or another. but when i cross the street i will just picture myself getting plowed down. when im chopping vegtables i will get the mental image of my just puncturing an artery or some shit. these images dont come to me out of fear, more out of impulse if that makes sense
  2. Frieden

    Frieden Senior Member

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    I do. Mostly when I'm driving. I always imagine driving into or being driven into by a semi and kind of predict how the scene would go down. 2 days ago, my grandma was driving my mom, preggo sister who thought she was in labor, and myself to the hospital 30 miles or so away. I kept thinking I would rather get into a car crash with my family then alone.

    Or when I'm in a plane, I can't help but think of the plane spinning out of control and going down down down.

    But yeah, I don't think it's ubber abnormal or anything. Heh
  3. WanderingSoul

    WanderingSoul Free

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    It's weird how so many of you have thoughts like this without fear attached.

    I have OCD, and when I was younger it was much worse.
    Ms Oh, when I would cut vegetables I'd get the urge to stab myself. Not that I wanted to or that I would, just that I COULD. Just as easily as I was cutting those vegetables, I could easily slice into my belly.
    I would even go so far as to poke the tip through my shirt. Not hard enough to draw blood, just to show myself I had control.

    Creepy, huh?

    The thought that it's just that easy scared me and I'd start having a mini panic attack. I'd just have to get the veggies chopped as fast as possible and get that damn knife out of my hand.

    Thankfully I don't get thoughts like that very often anymore.
  4. Ms.Oh!

    Ms.Oh! Senior Member

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    no that is EXACTLY how i am! i swear. haha i do scare myself sometimes~
  5. WanderingSoul

    WanderingSoul Free

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    Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one!
  6. Posthumous

    Posthumous Resident Smartass

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    When I was a teenager I would fantasize about things like, "hey, what if I just punched that cop over there in the face," then I'd think about how it play out and never do it.
  7. lode

    lode Banned

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    Yeah, I do that often too.

    I think it's probably a lot of natural human curiosity about death. My mom took me to a counselor whe I was like 7 because I said I wondered what it was like to die. Which is a question the church answers for some people but really didn't for me.

    It's perfectly normal.
  8. Traceroni.

    Traceroni. Senior Member

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    I do that too and also have OCD but mixed with ADHD which made things much worse haha

    The worst was driving over bridges when I started driving, I always thought how the water would react to my car but never about me in the car I don't think.
  9. Posthumous

    Posthumous Resident Smartass

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    Remind me never to drive with any of you. :D
  10. Traceroni.

    Traceroni. Senior Member

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    I'm fine with driving, just not over bridges! haha I don't do it anymore, it stopped after about three months of driving. (I didn't go over many bridges)
  11. Allonym

    Allonym cheesecake slut

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    i used to htink about taht kind of stuff a lot... thinking what if i got cancer, imagining scenarios in school in which id be threatened to be beat up and saved by someone, etc
    imagination run rampant
    i do it less now, but i still do it sometimes. mostly what-ifs around deathly illnesses like cancer, how people would react, if id tell anyone, etc
    i think its fairly healthy tbh... its better than totally ignoring the potential for death. not to say taht it does make you ready for death by any stretch, but to totally ignore the fact that we all will, some day, die isnt exactlya great idea either

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