Walmart workers cost taxpayers 6.2 billion in public assistance

Discussion in 'Politics' started by fraggle_rock, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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  2. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    Yep, ultra low wages coupled with government entitlement programs discourage work. Why not just be lazy and not work at all? Many people are doing just that.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    wally world employees are taxpayers too.. uses the stamps at wally world.. it all balances out ..
  4. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    More people should go on welfare.

    I think most people are afraid of not working, so they take shitty jobs with crap wages and the government is using the dwindling middle class to pay for their health problems, vehicles, fuel, etc.

    If they were all on welfare, unemployment would skyrocket and the government would be forced to go after the capitalists. Or Walmart would be forced to raise wages just to entice people into their stores.

    Plus, they would be staying home with less stress and fewer health problems. They could sell their cars-- which would cut down on pollution and daily expenses. They could spend more time with their families, which would mean their kids would have a good upbringing.

    This whole 'work at any costs' culture is bad for everyone.
  5. *Jason*

    *Jason* Member

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    seems the government should be able to control these big box stores. Slave labor in 3rd world countries to make their products and then paying wal mart workers nothing and the CEOs making big bucks. Probably treating the politicians to free vacation get aways. Greed and Power at its finest.
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  6. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    There needs to be regulations and caps, on certain company expenditures, especially when it comes to corporations hiding assets, in offshore bank accounts and shell companies outside USA's juristiction.

    There should also be a minimum, of required corporation-company assets that NEED to go into their employer's paychecks and benefits packages if they trade on the NYSE as a corporation. (family companies and literally small family businesses operating with 50 employees or less I can give an exception for).

    Honestly, such a policy becomes more important, as machines are replacing cashiers and other lower tier jobs.
  7. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    That's some of the best reasons I've seen for eliminating ALL Federal welfare programs.
  8. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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  9. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    When government makes unemployment MORE profitable than employment, the former will continue to be seen and exercised as gainful, requiring no more effort than the casting of the appropriate ballot each election cycle.
  10. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    ...and slavery more worthy of conscience to own than basically doing good service for a buck. lol
  11. Coleco

    Coleco Member

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    Heres the issues, even if we live in a dictatorship where slavery is legal:
    Dont pay the laborers enough, they starve, die, become unhealthy and non-productive.
    If the laborers work so much just to barely get by and never have a chance to feel human(in other words if they dont get to see their family or have leisurely activity) they begin to feel hopeless, depressed and could likely rebel, commit suicide, or whatever else happens when a person is competely miserable.
    If everyone is too poor to afford the goods and services being produced, then that puts the rich successful people who make the products out of business if they have no customers.

    Anyways... Ive heard that Wal mart actually encourages workers in the USA to sign up for welfare. Interesting thought crosses my mind now: Big business is pretty much benefitting from socialism by having employees use food stamps and welfare because they can just say, "Ah we can pay them minimum wage, and keep them healthy by referring them to places to apply for food stamps."
  12. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Slavery? How ludicrous.
  13. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    It's called peaceful protest. You seriously think that throwing everyone to the wolves is the way to go?
  14. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I've always thought that corporate welfare came in many guises. Grazing on public land, a system of less than living wages assuming a 40 hour work week, companies that don't provide healthcare at any level.
  15. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    Socialism is a collective ownership of businesses, industry, etc... ie: opportunity.
    Welfare is a state capitalist charity that doesn't even come close to an egalitarian ideal.

    The fact that they want to do it using other people's money instead of their own doesn't make them socialists, it makes them douchebags.
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  16. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    I have no problem with protesting as long as it is funded solely by those who support the protest. Throwing everyone to the wolves? How humorous.
  17. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    People who are protesting the fact that they're too poor to survive on their own and need well-paying jobs are supposed to fund their own protest?

    I really have to LOL at that one.
  18. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Grazing on public land? It belongs to the public, so what?

    A "system" of less than a living wage? What's the work worth to the employer? If less than the prospective employee is willing to accept, refuse and look for employment elsewhere.
    Some work might not be worth paying "a living wage" no matter how many hours were performed in a weeks time. Usually people looking for a little extra money are willing to do jobs such as those.

    Companies that don't provide healthcare? Companies provide jobs, the reason they started to provide healthcare was because of government freezing wages during the second world war. If anything thos that do should cease to provide healthcare and increase the wages paid proportionately, and let the employees spend the money however they wish. Maybe they would spend it on Obamacare?
  19. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    I guess you've never heard the expression 'time is money'?

    Just because there's nowhere else to go, it doesn't mean that one person's time is any less valuable than another person's time.

    We do what we have to do-- just because someone 'up there' thinks it's a 'peasant job' doesn't mean it doesn't have to be done or that someone isn't sacrificing time they could have spent doing something else in order to do it.

    So yeah, either stop telling people their work is worthless or admit you're a feudalist.
  20. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Depending on how it is put to use, time can be money.

    Consider the facts, as time passes equally for all, it is what one is doing within a period of time that is the basis upon which each persons time is valued, not simply the passage of time.

    Like I said previously, if the employee and the employer can not or do not agree on how much the work is worth, both need to look elsewhere.

    Where did you see me telling people their work is worthless?

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