All the time. The days that I'm doing the worse, I just want to stay in bed and do nothing. I want to sleep more even if I already over slept. Sometimes I just have to force myself to get out of bed and go do something. A shower always seems to encourage me to get out and do something. Showering also wakes me up and feel clean. Ready for the day. It's weird but it works for me. Hope you find the courage you may be looking for. If you need a friend I'm here for you. PM anything anytime.
Definitely applies to children as well. It's difficult to get the youngsters out of bed for chores, breakfast, or school too. I think it applies to all humans regardless of age.
If you develop a relationship with Coffee, you will learn how to listen for it's beckoning you to come to it, several times a day even. That kind of love affair makes waking a joy, and makes life worth living.
I don't sleep very well anyway so sometimes I just know there's no point in trying to sleep, I'll just lay there wide awake even though I feel so tired. Then sometimes I will just lay there, not wanting to get up. Why did I even wake up? Couldn't I have just died peacefully? On odd occasions I might fall asleep, But not often at all. I have medication for this, but I try not to use it often as to not become reliant on it, so I have gone back to weekend use and maybe mid week. Most times I wake up bundling with energy.
Shit man, I go off to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow (after prayers of course). Once a week I might wake up in the middle of the night to use the toilet, but other than that . . . When I wake up, I feel reenergized and ready to go; so much so that I can't find any reason to have coffee, or even breakfast for that matter. So yeah, I have no problem with sleep or getting up in the morning. However, I do have problem with lying, as this post so aptly demonstrates.
I didn't wanna get outta bed this morning around 6am but I couldn't fall back asleep so I went for a walk and it was about 35 degrees out, which is cold for us southern californians. Felt nice to get back into bed and rested a bit.