I just wanted to get this fest back up on the posts. We had about 3 post going before the great crash of 2004. For the guy working the store at the fest, cigarettes, sun screen, bug spray, and lots of ice. By Saturday all our ice will be melted and we will be looking for more. I'm also looking for people to hang with at the fest. I'm flying up from Tallahassee, FL and its going to cost more money then a lot of my friends want to spend. I might be with friends or alone. I don't know yet. I'm also trying to get my cousin to fly up from Orlando. Other then trying to hook up with a couple friends in tishamingo on Friday, I might be solo. I would also like to hear from people in and around Lawrence. What are the cops like? Anyone think they will be under cover like in some of the other fests, or will they just sit back and let people have a good time? Also anyone that knows the park. What should we bring? Do we need to bring fire wood and where do we find it on the way in? Hope to hear from you all soon.
Hi, I have heard of this festival. It is supposed to be kick-ass. I am definately going to TRY to go if at all possible. Hope you have a blast. Oh yea-- I am sure you have it already-- but here is a link just incase..http://www.wakarusafestival.com/ about the cops n stuff---I don't know the answer. I am sure you would bring all the normal stuff to this festival as you would any other.
Thanx for posting the link, I ment to put that in my post and left it off. This should be one of the best festivals of the summer. The big Bonnaroo might have bigger acts but its open field with so many people. Don't get me wrong, roo will be good, but they don't have Derek Trucks. BTW, if you have sent me a private message I'm not ignoring you. The forum database is having some problems. E-mail me if you didn't hear from me ayeolsucks@yahoo.com
Hey, I'm the guy at the store, thanks for the suggestions. Just so you know, the plan right now is that we will deliver ice and firewood to your campsite if you get it from us. I'm not sure what the cops will be like - Lawrence is a college town, and they've been pretty nice to us during other big events like Final Four games, etc. Hard to tell since this is the first year. --Mike
Can I just say right now that your the man Mike. "deliver ice and firewood to your campsite" Is this a music festival or heaven? In the premium camping area it sounds like each camp site has a fire ring, is that true? Also, do they have a set up for a bonfire? It's a great way to hang out and meet people. Sorry about asking you all the questions, but I'm sure you know more about the park then the Wakarusa people. Can we bring anything(legal) to you guys in the store? Other then our money. Bob
I have tickets to this fest, but Im not sure if I can really do the whole camping out thing now due to the fact that it falls on fathers day weekend of all days. (I didnt think about that at first.) Since I work at a restaurant, fathers day is one of our biggest days, and it might be tough for me to camp out because of it. Im still definitely going now (I live in town), not sure if Ill be camping or not.
Lawrence is a kick-ass little town! The word that I heard is that there will be NO GLASS VENDORS allowed inside the festival...and any found will be escorted out by the police...this is looking to be a huge festival and I'm sure there will be a police presence, especially around the stages...but at your campsite it should be all cool...I would say the best bet is to come prepared nudgenudge so that you aren't trying to "aquire" there. There really shouldn't be much of a narc presence is my guess, but better safe than in jail. As long as folks behave fairly reasonably, all will be well...the cops aren't out to just harrass folks for the most part. And if ya'll have time, come on into town (downtown specifically) we have a great downtown! As for supplies and weather...it will be hot and humid. Bring sunscreen and hats! But Clinton Lake park is beautiful Lots of shade trees and the evening breeze coming off the lake is divine...and it's far enough from town that the night sky will be AMAZING!!! On a good night one can see the arm of the milky way! And the day sky is lovely as well...big puffy clouds. God, I love this town! Unfortunately, I will have to work as two of my employees are already attending the festival and it IS Father's Day weekend (bummer for me) So have fun for me!!!
Hey lunachic, 1. Thanx for the info, thats the feed back I was looking for. I'm a drinker myself, but some of the people I might or might not be with might or might not be smokers. I know police will be there, as they are at any event. I just like to hear that they will be sitting in the shade siping on lemonade, unless needed. I hate to hear about narc officers busting people for trying to buy, and or catch them smoking. 2. What do you mean your not going? Is this not a good reason to close up shop for a few days? Then again, if closing will cause you to lose the farm, stay open. What about after work? Do you ever close? You can buy a weekend pass and drive in and out when you have to go to work. I know at a fest like this, even after the music stops the fun starts up around the fire pits in the camp sites. 3. I will try to make a trip into town. I'm flying into KC and had no plan to see Lawrence, but the more I hear about the town, the more I want to visit. My I ask the name of your shop, so that I might spend some money there? Bob
Like ya said earlier, the festival is kinda pricey...and with two employees off for the whole weekend, I'll most likely be opening and closing...especially on Saturday! I actually will have to hire some help for the weekend! But that's o.k. I'm taking the last week of May off for a trip to Oregon! As for my store...you'll know us when ya come in and I say, "Hey, how's the festival?!?" We sell all kinds of cool stuff...the sign on the window says "specialty gifts"...come in and come upstairs...but remember in all the shops, you ARE in KANSAS...be cool, be polite and be prepared. I can't wait for all of the beautiful hippies to visit! I will check into an evening visit with my employees, but I don't know yet. Thanks so much for putting this festival on here...I was gonna ask if anyone was coming...and here you are! And there will be plenty of friendly folks to party with! Whoo-Hoo! See ya in June!
Wow, I just found something I didn't want to read. Check out this web site http://blogs.lawrence.com/lk/entries/618 and read the posts on the bottom from people in Lawrence. I hope the whole town isn't thinking like the dicks on there. Makes me sad reading stuff like that. I also just bought my Premium camping upgrade. The site said I can have up to 8 people and 2 tents in the site. It could be me, my cousin, and maybe another friend or 2. Hell, I could be alone. I don't see me having anymore then that, so I offer up some space. If your camping in the primitive area and want to be near showers, power, and water, maybe we should be friends, lol. Not to pull people away from hip forums, but the fest put up a forum too http://wakarusa.chalksidewalk.com/ I'll see you guys in Kansas
Man JustBob what a bunch of jerks! What is up with that person saying that not all those bands will play. I hate when uninformed people feel that they need to chime in on something. Have Fun!
Pay no attention to those bloggers...I've found that the people who post most often there are a bitchy crowd...this town loves a hippie fest. period...yeah, some folks (locals and otherwise) can be bothersome but for the most part we are kind folks...And Pipeline Productions does not f*ck around...they do good work.
Wow, those people on the Lawrence Blog are idiots. Haven't they heard of a little festival called Bonnaroo? These festivals bring mad revenue to these towns. But oh well, I'm not actually going into the town, just straight to the fest. On the note of the cops-In the Forum on the Wakarusa site someone asked about the cops and someone from the fest said they had nothing to worry about. Yay! I'm sure no security will be as cool and laid back as the bonnaroo cops though! They were great! See y'all there! It's getting so close! Weeeee!
The people that complain on blogs like that are the same who whine about all the college students here in Lawrence, despite the fact that 90% of them were either students themselves at some point or have some connection to the University. Lawrence is a town of extremes (large populations of students and elderly, rich and poor, liberals and conservatives, etc) which ensures controversy about every issue. It also makes Lawrence all the more interesting to live in and visit!
Hey everyone- I am a deadhead from Shawnee, KS. I purchased 4 tickets to Wakarusa as soon as I heard about it for $75 a ticket (the lowest price). It would be all cool but the Dead are playing at Red Rocks in CO. at the same time. Thus I have to go to Red Rocks. Soooooo I have some extra tickets for $75. I have to leave on monday so I am in a hudge hurry to get rid of them. I will get burned if I cannot sell them..... Can anyone help me out??!!?! Thanks for listening.... *Chance*
If you have not posted on the Wakarusa forum yet about your tickets, you might want to do so. Seems like some people are hooking up on there to sell tickets they can't use. Bob