First off I'll just say that I don't believe that the Trump Wall will ever be built. From a practical standpoint from environmental impact studies that will need to be done, through the planning stages to the actual building of a 2,500 mile wall will take way more time than Trump will be in office and since his approval ratings are in the shitter I don't see his successor signing off on such a moronic idea. Though here comes the irony if it actually goes through. The average vocal Trump supporter seems to scream "STATES RIGHTS!" and "BUILD THE WALL!" left and right. California Governor Jerry Brown has stated that California will not back down on it's environmental policies or allow the wall to be built across the Southern Border of California. Ironically the same ones screaming so loud about "STATES RIGHTS" will be screaming "YOU HAVE TO BUILD THE WALL BECAUSE TRUMP TOLD YOU TO!" C/S, Rev J
More irony, NPR has been interviewing people this week whose land would likely be seized through imminent domain to build the wall. Some, of course, voted for Trump.
I love this one: She supported Trump because he was going to get rid of only the "bad hombres" she regrets her vote.
From my own home state of Kentucky... Voters in Clay county and elsewhere throughout the state are now fearful of losing their Medicaid and Kynect medical coverage. They overwhelmingly supported both Donald Trump and the new governor, Matt Bevin (R), even though both promised to either cutback or repeal these popular programs. Clay county, the poorest county in the state, supported Trump with 86% of the vote; 60% are covered by Medicaid and 40% live in poverty. The number of uninsured people living there has fallen by two-thirds since the passage of ObamaCare.
I really really really hope that Trump will fuck things up badly. Unfortunately it's the only way people will learn.
The Trump Administration--particularly Sessions, I think--is also flirting with the idea of cracking down on legal marijuana. The feds are going to..."Trump (see what I did there!?!?!)" states' rights in that regard too. You'd have to be a RINO to support this clown, yet, a lot of people who identify as Republican support this big-government-loving, imminent-domain-seizing, executive-order-signing jack ass. I don't get it.
Since legalization, every state in this new highly lucrative game has had high ranking judges, law firms, banking and pharmaceutical CEO's, high ranking politicians -- ALL THESE PROFESSIONALS AND MORE IMMEDIATELY APPLIED FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISTRIBUTION PERMITS. Some even bought properties for sales venues in advance, should they get lucky and win the 'medical marijuana distribution permit lottery'. The hypocrites came home to roost, hence developing a powerful PRO-MARIJUANA LOBBY. The high stakes involved in this industry were realized very quickly. Millions, now billions of dollars flowed uninterrupted within the first year of sales. This financial knowledge was little known to the general public but, with this announcement for Comrade Sessions to back-off, we now see the reality. The pro-marijuana lobby has money, affluence and influence in the politically putrid atmosphere known as 'Congress'. Anti-marijuana federal laws now have no standing, little power, and the 1930s misinformed anti-marijuana mentality will no longer fly with the American public (and especially with the U.S. government elitists' colleagues now in the thick of the business).. The thing is his immigration policy only shows how bad a business man he really is. If he was a good business man he would see the expenditure to profit ratio is non existent. If he really wanted to stop illegal immigration than he would be working on a more profitable trade deal to give the illegal immigrants incentive to stay in Mexico. The existing irony is that the Republican party celebrates and gives credit to Ronald Reagan for "Bringing down the Berlin Wall" (honestly he had nothing to do with that one period) now they are celebrating Donald Trump for wanting to build a wall. Personally since the Mexican Drug Cartels are so militarized I would laugh my ass off if every time another section of wall was built a Cartel would blow it up. C/s, Rev J