hey, do all of you realize that if you use visine too much, it can make your eyes stay red and glossy. Yesterday, I got scared cuz my mom was on her way home and used just a little more than recommended and my eyes have been RED and glossy since then. Now I permanently look stoned! :&
I never heard that and I use Visine all the time. Maybe your eyes are extra sensitive to it or you might even of built up an allergy to it.
ive noticed that too, and sometimes it doesnt even work even if i dont use too much! off the subject, but i heard visine destroys your eyes or something and clear eyes is better, i dont think its true, have you guys ever heard that?
yeh thats why you should get cleareyes and not visine but... the funny thing is that most stoners only put in like afew drops every time they need clear eyes.. but the people who are meant to be using visine, are people who use it like every day, all the time, becaus your meant to be able to go through a whole bottle in 4 weeks (which has proved impossible for me) so if us stoners are having trouble, wouldnt that mean any person using visine for normal purposes would get fucked eyes?
thats definitely logical...maybe it doesnt matter the frequency, but only the amount you put in at one time...i can get paranoid when im high and sometimes put in waaay too much and my eyes get worse...so i put in more
i use to try to put in visine or clear eyes, but i would always miss, and even once i mastered how to use it, it seemed like it didnt help my eyes very much. I really just dont care that much anymore on how i look, i have been accused of being high all the time when im not...and thats usually from dust from ceramics or my contacts. Of course that makes a good excuse to
Ive used a shitload of clear eyes and it still works fine for me. The only thing that i have noticed is that when i dont use it, my eyes stay red for a long time.
I find it near impossible to put in when I'm high. I've used 1/4 of a bottle before just TRYING to put some in. And the only time I ever really need visine is if im going home early or driving. I don't give a fuck if I show up somewhere with some poteyes.
Yeah, unless you're coming home to the 'rents no one really gives a damn. Excvept sometimes when my eyes get red they also get dry and sore and Visine helps with that.