I was just reading an old copy I had of Sex for Dummies, written by Dr. Ruth Westheimer. It was written about 20 years ago. But she brought up a good point. When virtual sex becomes feasible, it'll be totally safe. So when will become a reality? Specifically when will you be able to virtually meet people online? I don't have a personal stake in this. But I was just wondering.
You can now buy a cheap blow job online, and the porn industry is among the leading high tech industries today, and its possible to even buy realistic life-like dolls that can be programmed with different AI. Physicians have also located the exact spot in your brain, to make you cum in your pants but, without inserting wires, it may be awhile yet. Flat lens VR headsets are coming, that look and act like ordinary sunglasses, are coming in maybe three years at most, while you can also buy suits for what is known as "haptic feedback". There's so much technology involved its hard to keep up, but I'm still waiting for them to improve the EEG headsets, which require metamaterials and more research. With the right AI and an EEG headset, the damned machine can easily predict what you want. Real life hookers will have to compete, with a machine that reads your mind.
Do you think that virtual sex can replace real sex? That would be saying a lot about real sex... Is it more for the intimate involvement alone with another individual than the physical aspect, per se?