Having grown up with a Virgo as a daughter, I have seen certain choices with Virgo males and relationships. As a teen daughter, my father was divorced and he ended up going out with the head nurse at a major hospital. He had been dating for awhile when I asked him what he thought. He told me she was too strong and money- minded and would not compromise. ( My father was a PhD in veterinary science). I thought that was interesting and he later married a local divorced woman with no source of livelihood except alimony and family money. I have a Virgo male roommate at present. He is super hard working, doesn't drink, has two dogs and is hyper obsessed with technology. At present, he is seeing a young female whom makes herself available for the one day a week he has off. He never takes her out nor spends money on her but they watch movies, drink beer and walk the dogs. I have a steady boyfriend for the last 4 months. On Saturday, I overheard a conversation about me on the phone. My roommate was speaking to someone and he said, "Yes, the girl I live with seems nice. But she has a steady bf and even if she didnt , she's too strong,smart and makes a lot of money. She's successful." Seriously, my observations. It seems like Virgo males respect straight forward dominant, strong women but feel somewhat insecure with them Does every Virgo end up with a needy, manipulative, broke-*** woman because they so need to be of service that they must fix the person? And what just that truly say about their psychology and inner motivations as a human?
i'm so confused here. how did you grow up with a daughter? and your dad used to be a girl, who was married and divorced while still a teen? anyway, to answer your question, i'm positive that not every person with a september birthday marries a shitty woman.
He tells this girl when to come over, and she basically caters to his wishes Pathetic. Not one date. Not one movie. My roommate is so deluded that he actually thinks she'll be his girlfriend. Sick. He has nothing to offer her.
I was born in September and have been fooled twice. Two women who initially seemed cool, but when the "six-month guard" came down, well you know. Tried to make it work despite the warning signs, young male mistake. I can look back now and see who I should have accepted. pfft. I don't really fit the Virgo stereotype, what affected me was being raised by an extremely uptight family in a time that made life kinda suck. Look into Chinese astrology, I've found that sometimes it makes sense when our system doesn't. Put the two together and it's fairly reliable.
Ouch. I love the support love and advice my Virgo husband gives me I also love that he doesn't care that I will ultimately make more money than him sooooo to answer question I think that it has more to do with the person than the sign. There are so many other factors to astrology than simply the sun sign
Their Moon sign is the second most important thing. Is shown by the time of day they were born, as to what their personality is like. It makes a big difference. Find an astrology site online, most good ones will tell you the results of his moon sign. I used to go to astrology.au and had decent info, but it's been many years ago. Hope they are still there, good luck.
I'm an Arien guy, I married a Virgo chick, - lasted less than a decade - that didn't work then (=c'est la vie)
from what I've always heard, that's not a good combo. sorry. I haven't had much luck with Aries gals (only one...). We dated in high school for a while. Then she started hitting me up on Facebook when she found out I was getting the D. Called her a few times, and remembered why it didn't work the first time. Lol..
Yeah maybe so, but we're worth it - cos in the end, with resolute determination our Goddess we defend
My dad is an Aries. He's not the easiest for me to get along with, but as long as we don't work together it's ok. He likes to do things himself, and is more self-driven than anyone I know. Does everything like he's going to a fire. lol Not taking anything away from Wolf Angel. He always seems like a cool dude.
My boyfriend now is a Virgo. He's hardworking, logical, has a good sense of humor and listens well. However I can tell that he worries a lot and he analyzes everything. I'll say something and he'll analyze it to death where it'll bug him all week. I massaged his shoulders one night and he's super tense. Virgos are great, but I do notice the ones I meet that they worry a lot. Sometimes I give him a hug or make him something to ease his worries.
People still believe a person's characteristics are defined by a star sign that's no longer calibrated for our era in time?
not all of their characteristics, just the generic ones that can be applied to anybody if you want them to fit their given sign.