So basically i'm a 16 yr old virgin.. So i've read quite a bit about sex cuz i'm kind of nervous about that kind of stuff. Sooo I have a question When I masturbate after i ejaculate masturbating isnt enjoyable. Is it like that in sex too, so let's say i hold it for quite a bit then i ejaculate do i have to stop for a while? and make out with her and shit
Generally, males have fulfilled their sexual function after ejaculation, and they actually lose interest in sex in any form until they have 'recovered'. That applies to both masturbation and sexual intercourse! (depending on age of course!) JMO
I knew a man that could cum and not go soft and then he could cum agian within about 15 mins and still stay hard. He could do it about 4 times. I guess that's rare tho because I've never known anyone else to be able to do that and no he wasn't taking Viagra. As for your question, you should make the girl cum first or else time it so you cum together, but since your young, you won't be able to do that so you better lick and finger her pussy until she cums and then you can fuck her and cum as fast as you want and it won't matter because she is already finished
listen to morrow plus go learn things yourself and stop asking these old farts :wheelchair: learning is 90% of the fun
I disagree, don't listen to the old farts, listen to me, you wanna look like you know a little bit about sex, and if you please the girl , then she might actually stay with you and not only that, she will brag to her GFs about how great you are! Lol Questions are good, don't be embarrassed to ask.
That is some shit advice tbh. My first time was with another virgin and it was actually fun. We didn't know what we were doing but we were able to be nervous and laugh about it till we got it right, which took some pratice. Any girl that is going to judge another kid for not being some rock star lover at 16 isn't worth his time.
Well if your both virgins then that's a different story, but the kids these days are fucking at like 13 Its sad but it's true! As for girls judging, some do some don't, and ya, if she leaves a guy over performance then you don't need need her. There are a lot of messed up girls out there and are getting caught up with older boys for all the wrong reasons. Anyways, my advice as far as pleasing the girl is "GOOD" Advice!
Females talk to other females about what they "aren't" getting in the bedroom. Most women are not happy with their sex lives and I'd say the biggest complaint is that the guy doesn't please them, doesn't do foreplay or doesn't do it long enough. I talk to women alll day at work, I work in the beauty industry so I hear it ALL! I also know that men are not happy either and I realize it works both ways.
Tiny, it's called a refractory period. It's programmed into males. It's common for ideas that you are really into pre- orgasm to be meh to repulsive too. Women get refractory periods too, as a "wow, too sensitive" moment. It can last seconds, or several minutes.
I can't believe this is a real thread. Are you really 16, or just someone goofing off? This is a great conversation to have with your parents if you are 16...or 61.
Right on're dead right....concentrate on pleasing your partner and the hornier she gets the better sex for you all round. Simon
Yes. It is called the refractory period. Depends on each guy as to home long that takes. For young men, a half an hour is pretty standard, at least for me. You do not have to make out. You can get something to drink and talk for awhile. No fun making out when you cannot get aroused just yet.