hey, would you suppose 1 vicodin ES would be sufficient for a recreational high? im pretty sure it wouldnt be, so is there any ways to MAKE it? ie: crush, snort
just one wont do much...i dont think its very good to snort...but drinking with vicoden is always fun
7.5 mg, if snorting it isnt going to be more EFFICIENT, i dont want to do it...but if it will be, im all for it
you need to TAKE three. snorting is stupid theres too much other shit in there to all go up your nose.
You are young, and never did this brefore...Taking 3 doses is NOT recomended! They are proablyl labeld 7.5/750 meaning they have 7.5mg of hydocodone and 750mg of tylenol.. I'd recomend doing jsut the ONE and NOT snorting it for your first recreational tiem, see if you like it, and more importanty see if it likes you (no nasty side effects). To kick it up a bit parachute the pill. Get a piece of toilet paper (1/2 1 square, single ply. Crush up the pill (doesn't have to be finely powdered, just broken up a bit) then place it in the paper, fold it up and gulp it down with a glass of water, breaking it up will help it activate quicker.
Snorting vicodin(which has tylenol in it) does not work very well at all. Acetaminophen(tylenol) is mostly water insoluable(that's why cold water extraction works), and because of how pills are made, the good stuff, the hydrocodone, is mixed in with this stuff, you put it crushed up into your nose and the hydrocodone won't get absorbed because all the acetaminophen will be in the way. Some will absorb yes, but not as much as if you'd just take the damn thing. (Snorting oc is a totally different thing so don't say "well you can snort oc" to me).
ive done them before---alot...but ive always had doses that would be sufficient, obviously just 1 isnt...so i was seeing if there were any methods to enhance effects...hmm...is toilet paper healthy to be consuming?
take ONE? 7.5 to 15 mg is a dose for PAIN. it helps pain does not get you high. in order to get high you need to take at the very least, two. two you will feel effects. i would probably take 5 and i have no tolerance at all. haven't done that shit for about two and a half months.
I was only suggesting one in case you had no experience...better to make sure joo dont have some weird allergy first...go right for two..if your over 200lbs go right for three. re: paper..you only need a very little piece like 1 1/2 square inches...it's not GOOD to eat, but it wont hurt you--dont use scented or some fancy kinds either..also jsut use one ply..you are only using it as a quick delivery channel.
Two will get you high unless you have a high tolerance but DON'T SNORT THEM. It hurts like a motherfucker cuz of the acetaminophen. It gets you high, but just taking the damn pill is better and doesn't kill your nose (trust me, I've tried it both ways).
"two will get you high unless you have a high tolerance" two will barely get you high if it's your first time. you don't know what tolerance is.