It used to be, nothing bothered my erection. No sleep, depression, anxiety, sickness, world war 3 in my backyard. Rock hard at the slightest bit of arousal, sometimes to the point of hurting. At 50 years of age though, I have noticed little things start to bother it. Everything works fine. It's just not the rock it used to be when my body or mind is stressed. It's a little softer at times now. I don't feel to the point of needing "assistance", but, these changes have me wondering about Viagra and Cialis. Are there others? How do they work? Do they turn a slightly softer erection rock hard? A buddy of mine takes a generic Viagra he gets off the Net and gave me some to try a year or two ago. Never did as I didn't really feel the need. I am curious though. Just hate to try something made in China. Tell me everything you want to about these things.
Generic forms of viagra and cialis are available with a prescription from your doctor. I understand they are considerably cheaper than name brand versions. I don't trust the stuff on the internet either.
Roman and other mail orders are available now and they are legit. But yeah I find viagra makes getting a good hard erection effortless. I don't need or use it everytime, but do for those special long occasions. 49 here and can relate to what you experience.
I have too had some ed issues as Ive aged. Some being my meds. I have viagra on hand if the need is there. I've recently started using CBD oil. I've noticed some of the lack of sensitivity I once had has improved in which helped my hardness. The other day I took a half of a viagra for the first time since being on the oil and I haven't been that hard in a long time. Not sure if it was the combo or the fun situation I was in.
Thanks, everyone. Thankfully, I still have a fully functioning boner when the need arises. But, being as anal as I am, I do not like 98% hard. I want it 100%.
One thing I did not ask specifically: When on Viagra or Cialis... do you lose your erection once you cum? Or does it remain hard?
I didn't have a problem until several years ago when high B/P arose and it became difficult to maintain an erection. My cock would be erect, soften, and then become erect again. If I was masturbating I put up with it. With a partner I wanted to be erect and stay there. My doctor prescribed Sildenafil, or generic Viagra, to address the issue. I experimented with dosages and found a system where I remain erect all the way through orgasm and ejaculation. As far as going flaccid after ejaculation every once in a while I remain hard for 10 or 15 minutes. I haven't figured out why this happens. It may be due to my physical or mental condition or both. I really don't know. Twice in the last 10 or so sessions where I had intercourse I remained erect for a time after orgasm. Once I continued to fuck until my body gave out from fatigue. The other time I remained erect and ejaculated again within 10 or 15 minutes. The last two times I've had sex I went flaccid after ejaculation and stayed that way for 4 hours or more.
This just about mirrors my situation. It doesn't seem to matter if it is vaginal sex or oral sex. Part of it is being 72 and not 20 years old as I once was. I have been in a monogamous relationship for the past 31 years. Variety might help but not an option for me. I try to stay in good physical shape, as much as my bones and joints allow. I kidded with one of my friends and tell him if a body part does not have a bone in it, mine still functions as needed most of the time. ED is nothing to be ashamed of. There is a book someone here mentioned. "Better Than I Ever Expected" by Joan Price about sex after 60. It is a good read. Learn as much as possible about the male and female body. Physical as well as psychological. I once had a patient (40 or so) that exclaimed "I don't do sex. That thing is nasty". I was working in an ER. I wasn't sure whose thing he was talking about. I did get him a psych referral and a urological referral. Sad he was missing one of God's greatest gifts.
I tried both, Sildenafil (viagra) gives me more annoying side-effects. Cialis is less extreme and lasts longer (two days).
Stress is the biggest sex drive killer for men. How are the family finances? That is a real stressor for men.
Well an old bf used the stuff occasionally, and OMG he could go for a long time. To me Viagra means soreness.
I have some I’ll pop every so often, if I think she’s in the mood when I’m not. She has no I idea I have them, so she thinks I’m always hard and ready for her.
A few years ago I started having problems keeping hard erections when having sex. I am, after all, 69 and had treatment for prostate cancer recently which cerainly had an effect on my sex drive due to the hormone injections. I went to the doctors and he prescribed cialis. I took this for a while but it didn't seem to have much effect so he then prescribed Soldenafil (Viagra) and it certainly keeps my cock harder when fucking. When wanking, too, the difference is amazing and my cock is so much harder ! There are side effects which differ from man to man. With me my face gets very flushed when the pill kicks in and sometimes my stomach feels slightly funny as it wears off at the end of the day. But I would definitely recommend Viagra as long as your doctor has OK'd it.
As an older guy, I can still get good erections, but they don't seem to last. I use viagra, and it does help me stay hard longer, which my wife and I enjoy.
You may be correct with your suspicion. If, when he is horny, he is able to keep an erection his mind is playing tricks. Then it may be his libido has waned and Cialis nor Viagra aren't going to help that. Low "T" (testosterone) may be the issue as well. Have that tested and if low it can be corrected.
. I mentioned in another thread I would cut a 100mg into quarters. Since luckily at this time I don’t really need them, at that mg it just makes me feel more confident and she loves it. I find masturbating is enjoyable also with viagra. When and if I take the full 100mg I have a raging hard on, it’s so hard and gets so warm, there’s only only one way to make it go down and that’s to have an orgasm. Afterwards the thing is swollen and aches ( a good ache ) from being so hard for so long.
I’m so hopped up on viagra. My dick is rubbing up against my shorts giving me a tingling sensation, It’s driving me crazy. I had to change into tight underwear trying to conceal and prevent it from having freedom of movement. I’m just soaking with pre cum. It’s just a matter of time before I need todo something about it.