I just went to the store yesterday to get some more CLEAR VALUE macaroni and cheese and I discovered THEY GOT RID OF IT!!!!! (My favourite mac and cheese since Kraft changed thier recipe) THIS WAS THE ONLY MAC AND CHEESE I LIKE- Most has crap in it I am trying to avoid! (Maltodextrin,etc) I Guess Ill have to try emailing the company and asking if I can order it WHOLESALE from them,i am really very upset by this..... There isnt alot of Food I like anymore because of what the GOVT is telling these food makers to do! (Remove sodium,etc) -- EVERYTHING TASTES LIKE CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! Very sad
It really is easy to make your own, and healthier... use your fave cheese etc, how can you go wrong? :2thumbsup:
I just talked to the store today where I had put in an order about CLEAR VALUE MAC AND CHEESE.. THEY AINT GONNA ORDER IT FOR ME!!!!!!! (Ahhhhhhh "we stopped carrying it" -- YES WELL THATS WHY YOU LET SOMEONE FILL OUT AN ORDER FOR IT!!) I AM SO FUCKA PISSED ITS NOT FUNNY!! So basically people are FUCKED if they like something and the stupid greedy stores dont sell enough of it and DISCONTINUE IT!!!!! (And the people who make it dont give a fuck either,THEY WONT SELL IT DIRECTLY TO ME!!!!!! -- STUPID MORONIC COCKSUCKING IDIOTS!!)
Little did they know that someone, somewhere, was going to make an angry rant about it on a forum. Damn Price Chopper.
if you happen to have an empty container with the ingredients listed you could try reproducing it.. make enough to freeze some of it.. better to do as tyrson & Insignia suggested & make you own.. You soon lose your taste for the additives..
I FOUND SOME!!!!!! I called the company and a lady told me where the closest biggest store was that carries this SO I RANG THEM AND THEY HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! (Its under a different name but its the same stuff made by clear value) www.myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/68408060 I hope this weekend I can get out there and get some,isnt too close to me!! (About 40 Miles I reckon) I am much happier!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That didnt turn out very well..... IT WAS NOT THE SAME I THINK today I have found a mac and cheese that is like what Kraft used to be BEFORE THEY CHANGED THIER RECIPE last year!! (Ill probably have it tommorow as I already ate today) Its got 410 calories like kraft had..... NO SKIM MILK!! Im sick of this skim milk crap!!!!!!!!! -- I WANT GOOD TASTING FOOD! (Like we had in the 80s and before)
wow you really like your mac and cheese you're really the kind of customer I always hated my years of working customer service. I always wanted to tell people like you that there were wars going on in the world while you're ranting about your silly mac n cheese issue you should really cook your own mac n cheese. its not even a hard dish to make homemade
Dude, do you cook your own food? Mac. cheese could be you speciality.. try things like mustard in it & it may outshine anything store bought..
I know I sure do. I've taken to beaming employees in the head with cans of sweet corn because they no longer keep regular corn in a can.
It really comes to something when you are willing to drives 40 MILES to get 'a box of mac and cheese', rather than make it yourself. Or eat something else for the rest of your days.
It really comes to something when you are willing to drives 40 MILES to get 'a box of mac and cheese', rather than make it yourself. Or eat something else for the rest of your days.
Annie's is passable, if you are adding veggies, and I found halving the packet makes it much better. I can make all kinds of things, but dairy loves to break on me. I decided Annie's works for my two cravings a year.
I don't find mac and cheese as easy to make as everyone else in this thread. I still fail miserably at making a roux.