fuck that good-ole-boy club, fuck my racist homophobic white trash managers and their far right propaganda and bullying, fuck my smoothbrained 49-iq coworkers and fuck me for hanging on so long in that godfordsaken abusive shithole sorry for the rant but needed to get it out in the open. ===================== | I AM OUTTA THERE!!! | =====================
theyve gotten super aggressive with the batshit politics onver the past year or so but now are getting pushy arrogant with it, even just the other day (and i hope this loses them at least half their customers) actually putting up campaign signs for an especially terrifying wa-03 trumpublican congressional candidate and a fringe whackjob sherrif candidate who has recently made arresting and jailing trans and crossdressers a priority for no real reason other than 'indecency laws" whatever the fuck that means businesses that do that shit deserve to go down in flames and this is just a fuckin grocery store i'd lock them all in there and torch it if arson and murder were legal and i normally consider myself a nonviolent person
anyways sorry about all the language, it's been relative hell these past 9 years but has only really gotten super intense since last year more rational details in a few weeks or so once i'v efinally regained my ability to think straight again
I hear your pain and frustration. It seems this shit is happening everywhere in the USA. What the F is going on with society? Has everyone fallen down a rabbit hole of insanity? Makes me shudder to think I have to go back there someday... it is much easier elsewhere in regards to all that right-wing shit, but it is creeping around the world. Fascism never goes away.
if i could afford it and was able to land a job there i'd drop everything and move to austrailia in a heart beat
I hear you... I did go to Oz for 6 months. All they would allow, and I had to leave and return after 3 months, by visiting nearby Fiji for a week. Not cheap... the airfare, the loooonnnnggggg flight... 14 hours from LA with a stopover in Auckland. Rent was expensive, car, everything. A bottle of wine in Oz costs a fortune, they keep the beer, wine and hard stuff heavily taxed. And the way they treat women was completely insane. So I don't recommend Oz... Mexico is a good option, but getting a visa to work here is a bit complicated. But once you are in you are good as gold... and they treat people fairly in a somewhat socialist society. Working remotely here is the best option, doing something online or by phone.
Sounds like you spent 9 years too long there. I don't know where there is to go in the U.S. There is a big problem and a big denial of that problem. I see this just ending badly.