Vegetarians - would you eat meat if it did not entail killing?

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by walsh, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    stem cell bacon rashers



  2. littledb

    littledb Guest

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    Synthetic meat sounds even more disgusting than regular meat. Reminds me of Soylent Green; made from people. Eeeww.
  3. Fingermouse

    Fingermouse Helicase

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    I'd definitely eat fish produced in this way. I loved the taste of that stuff.

    I wouldn't eat any other meats because I never liked them and I wouldn't feel the need.

    All the people having thoughts like the commenter above need to realise that a human's initial emotional reaction to a concept, especially when it involves disgust, is rarely an accurate predictor of how valuable that concept actually is.
  4. walsh

    walsh Senior Member

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    I don't see what that has to do with anything. I mean, it's possible to get a brain haemmorhage from a car crash or a stroke, but that doesn't make those two things the same - does it?
  5. PinkFairyTulip

    PinkFairyTulip Member

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    Ahh, yes, i've heard of cloned meat. The kill free kind, my mom told me about it since she thought i'd be interested (I am a vegetarian anyways. and it was always for the no-killing reasons :)). Personally i'm not sure i'd eat meat at all, but, if it wasn't killed, it's possable i'd try it...maybe. Eating meat isn't the healthiest thing ever, though. I'm glad to be a vegetarian so I can actually enjoy vegetables, too! :)
  6. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Far be it from me to return 11 pages back to the topic, as a few recent posts have tried to do, but could I ask this: if lab cultured meat could
    1) be available from a single source animal ( meaning it is all beef, or all chicken, or only pork)
    2) be diverse enough to keep four companies from running the show
    3) be tasty
    4) have the option to add fiber
    5) could lead to the end of CAFO
    6) could alleviate discrepancies in food distribution world wide

    Would you support it, even if you personally didn't eat it?
  7. seizedbyanger

    seizedbyanger Banned

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    I'm not even vegetarian, but I'd never eat lab made meat.. that cannot possibly be healthy or natural.. real meat only for me thanks
  8. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Dunno 'mama, it could lead to the eventual disappearance of domestic farm animals... then one day there'll be people eating bacon that don't even know what swine are!

    ...then maybe they would stop even calling meat "chicken" or "pork" or "beef",
    it would just be " Tyson Protein Tissue, flavor A" (with natural juices) :(

  9. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    #1,2,3,4... No, doesn't help with the support. Put a child in a room with a banana and a slab of labmeat, guess which one he is going to eat. The one he was designed to eat.

    #5... Yes, i could support it if it ended the suffering of millions of animals in america and across the globe.

    #6 No... Humans don't thrive on meat. People world wide would benefit from increased consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa (etc.) Low fat, High carb, nutritious whole food.
  10. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Willy, you got me. By distribution of food, I was thinking of the amount of grain fed to animals!

    Zombiewolf, I know people who have never seen the animal they eat alive.
    They know they eat pig, but have never seen one not on a screen.

    And yes, it is kind of Brave New World.
  11. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    Very good point. I could possibly support it if this was the case. As well as freeing up so many acers of grasslands and decrease the amount of rain forest clearing.
  12. LovePeaceAndHappiness

    LovePeaceAndHappiness Member

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    Hey guys! I got an idea! We can force those dumbass vegetarians to eat meat now! Let's just make it in a lab and fill it with even MORE chemicals, we'll make it with muscle fat and stem cells!!! That way we can kill them all off early and no one will listen to them! hahaha...
    Yeah. That sounds healthy. :confused: Why don't we all just go stick our head in the microwave for a few minutes? Maybe then we could eat some pink slim and drink some motor oil. It's good for your heart! :rolleyes:
  13. Montonya

    Montonya Guest

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    i had a dream last night. more of a nightmare really about little chickens that were made in labs that you didnt need to feed and they didnt need to pee or poop ever and they were eating eachother.....and their feathers were all crookedy....i dont like the idea at all
  14. Coleco

    Coleco Member

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    Hmmm actually I think ill advance the idea further. I want to have my entire digestive system removed. Then I want to have a lab that grows human flesh out of ATOMS!!! Then I assemble these atoms into human flesh and add them onto my body without really eating. No pee or poop either. I would be made of atoms, not food.
  15. tommeem1

    tommeem1 Members

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    Interesting, but probably not. Not sure why I think this. I guess because I just assume it will be bad in some way or another. Or really expensive, where I can't afford it.
  16. Aranyani

    Aranyani Members

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    I wouldn't because I don't like the way meat tastes, plus synthetically grown meat i'm sure will be something that won't be healthy for the body, since it's not naturally grown from the Earth. We are sustaining a living, breathing organism, how do you expect to do it right if we give it dead or fake food?
  17. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I think it is interesting that the (many) discussions that put forth lab created flesh as food all attract the "it isn't healthy" comments.
    Molecularly, a pig is a pig is a rasher on a plate. The DNA would read the same.

    Let's talk about what selective breeding has done in the last half century. Heirloom breeds aside, turkeys no longer reproduce with a tom and a hen. It's all AI. (Artificial insemination, just like dairy cattle)
    Pigs' legs break under weight they were never meant to carry. Ever seen a clip of "My 600 Lb Life?" That is a pig's life.

    Selective breeding is usually a positive to neutral influence on the species, plant or animal.

    Is it a bad thing if domestic animal populations dropped, in the context of no demand for meat? (Let's assume beast of burden use and dairy use continues)
  18. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    When the lion kills an endangered rhino or something nobody bats an eye, but when a useless cow is killed to put food on the table everybody loses their minds.

    People need to go and work on a farm for a while and just watch these animals. We've had cow with broken leg that just stumbled around eating as if nothing had changed. Broken leg? Pah! Well I'm still going to eat grass.

    I've seen a lamb caught in wire fencing almost ripped to shreds just lay there on the ground still eating.

    I think people give certain animals too much credit in all honesty. We humans whinge and complain when we are injured etc. an animal might alert that something is wrong but if it has the strength it'll just go on living. With that mindset and the fact that pigs just keep on eating and eating... tell me why people even care as much as they do? A pig that eats an eats and then cracks under its own weight, whether it's caged or not is hardly my fault or problem. Fat marrfarrker should have stopped eating.

    at the end of the day, the world would be over run with chickens and pigs and cows if we stopped producing them for food. Then all the vegetarians would be complaining that livestock is running free and eating all their food. :D
  19. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    The pigs are selectively bred to put on weight. They are then contained with nothing to do but eat from a trough, not forage for food, but have it pouring to them.

    Like a kid with unlimited sweet breakfast cereal. They aren't intelligent enough, and don't have life experiences to tell them life is any different, to know that eating isn't all there is in life. But it is all in their lives, until slaughter.

    And those are the males. The females are caged on their sides. All they do is breed and feed. They nurse the piglets and eat for themselves.

    What was interesting to me is the intelligence of pigs when they have socialization and freedom to move in a larger area. On par with a herding dog, for sure.
  20. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Biology, physiology. Physics. Look them up.
    We are all made of atoms, energy and space that become matter.

    Even if one stopped eating for, let's say a month. A water fast, let us say.
    Cells still die and turn over. Elimination is also cellular debris. One would still poop something.

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