This question isn't really for the vegetarians who just don't like meat. This is mostly for the people who stopped eating meat because of the way the animals are treated and slaughtered. Most dog/cat food brands are made from those very same animals in the slaughter houses that are treated so badly. So, if you have a pet, what do you feed it? I know that there are organic and "cruelty free" brands out there, but they're usually very expensive and most of the vegetarians I've ever known don't have a whole lot of money to blow on that sort of thing. I know they make vegan dog food, but I've heard from alot of vets that cats on a vegetarian diet end up with alot of problems, like going blind and developing heart/liver/stomach problems. I'm just wondering how you deal with it if you own a cat or dog.
I do feed my cat meat and meat based food. I just feel that they need it to be healthy.......and that's basically it.
hahaha, looks like someone beat me to it (damn you elle, damn you straight to hell! ) And the thing is, I looked through this board before I even made this post, to be sure the subject had not already been discussed....I guess I just somehow missed it. Oh well.
Put a steak and a carrot in front of a dog and see which one it goes to first. I think i know the answer...