Vegetarian Parents

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by Paul, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. Paul

    Paul Cheap and Cheerful

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    Many veggies that I meet seem to bring their children up as omnivores and will feed them with meat products ...

    Their argument is one of the children eating meat until they are older and then having a "choice" ... Surely it's better to bring them up as vegetarian and then let them choose if they want to eat meat when they are older?

    What is the general consensus about this?

    (apologies if this has already been covered)
  2. Elle

    Elle Senior Member

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    I don't feel it's right tokill animals for food and consume them, so therefore I wouldn't teach my children any different. I feel very strongly about that. If they feel differently when they are older, then that's up to them obviously.
  3. jamaica

    jamaica Member

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    my daughter eats meat because every weekend she is at her fathers, occasionally at other relatives and almost daily at a sitters. with exception of her father who simply insists she eat at least some meat/ fish the others are not wealthy and i feel it is better to have her eat what they serve than to inconvenience them by having her eat additional food. she understands these reasons and when she has a choice chooses veg*n.
  4. Sage-Phoenix

    Sage-Phoenix Imagine

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    I agree with you. Was raised omni myself and had no choice in the matter (not for the want of trying eithier)

    If/when I have children they will be raised vegetarian, figure on balance avoiding the murder of animals, potential health problems etc compensates for a tiny infringement of their free will.

    I shall explain my reasoning (age appropriate no need to give them nightmares) and let them make up their own minds. Then of course when they are out with friends they can eat as they wish. Though I will not allow meat in the house, just wouldn't be comfortable with that.
  5. minjeig

    minjeig Member

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    i'm with you on that too. i strongly believe that it is really wrong to kill animals and eat them, and i want to raise my kids to do what i think is the right thing.
  6. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I have heard that children under five need large amounts of protein for nerve and brain tissue development. This need decreases in adults.
  7. superNova

    superNova Member

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    i've always kind of wondered about this myself. i assume that if i shack up with another veggie, then they won't eat meat. but if i fall for an omni, then they likely will. my devious plan is to a) never cook meat, b) never buy them meat, and c) never eat meat myself (of course), and by my example, they will not eat meat, since they will emulate my behavior and want to be cool like me. i should be able to win over at least half the brood in this manner.. the other half will probably choose to be cool like their omnivorous dad.

    of course this is all hypothetical.

    but i know this would have TOTALLY worked on me as a child. i wanted to be just like my mom, down to disliking the same vegetables as she did. ;)
  8. sugrmag

    sugrmag Uber Nerd

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    I feed my kids veggie at home, but I KNOW Maddie eats meat with her father. Virginia actually will choose to eat veggie over any meat. She's almost two and whenever she gets something with meat, like at gramma's house, she will pick and eat all her vegetables and not eat the meat!
  9. RainbowCat

    RainbowCat Senior Member

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    i agree that the parents should bring their kids up veg and then let them decide later on in life if they want to be a meat eater. My parents arent veg, but iREALLY wish they'd raised me it. Somtimes i cry because i never used to care that i ate meat, and now i feel bad
  10. gertie

    gertie Senior Member

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    i intend to raise my children in a vegetarian lifestyle. as far as protein goes, the american dietics association supports that vegan and vegatarian lifestyles are appropriate for all stages of life. (i have the report and have used it for a presentation) i have many reasons for wanting my children to grow up without meat, it will have to be there decision when they get older like with with any child and the way their parents raise them. (i don't want corpses in my kitchen or at my dinner table, why would i encourage my offspring to consume death?)

    all in all, i believe to each their own. we must all find the path that is appropriate for us and for those we love.
  11. Tarka Dhaling

    Tarka Dhaling Member

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    My son has never eaten meat in his life , nor will he eat sweets given to him or cakes unless he knows they are gelatine free. He eats mainly a vegan diet at home although he is veggie but he said he wants to be vegan when he is older :)
  12. Loki84

    Loki84 Member

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    There is the view that you're forcing kids to be veg if you bring them up as vegetarians, but the thing is that if you bring up kids as non-vegetarianins, you're forcing them to eat meat.

    I don't see why this is so much concern to people. No one bitches about jewish families forcing their kids not to eat pork. I don't see what the problem here is. My mum had this chat to me a couple of years ago, and she ain't the brightest spark. She put her emotional voice on, and treated it as an emotional issue, saying "But your child will be missing out on meat!", despite the fact that I'm not interested in having children. I've actually said that my goal in life is to live it without procreating on many occasions.

    And what can i say? Well, I can just use common sense. My mother, bless her, has a tendency to think emotionally rather than logically. This is the same woman who reacted to the Iraqi torture scandals by saying "Well, these are the bastards who killed ken Bigley - They deserve it." forcing me to angrily pick up the newspaper and point at the picture of an Iraqi being stood on by a british soldier and shout "Did THIS man kill Ken Bigley? Did HE do anything wrong, and does the fact that an Iraqi militant group cut some scouser's head off justify ill treatment of prisoners of war?"

    So we know that my own mother doesn't quite have her head screwed on straight, which is probably the reason why I've got some screws loose myself. Anyhow, when she said that kids would miss out on the "delicious taste of meat" I responded by saying, "As a child, i missed out on the taste of falafel, the taste of papaya, the taste of many wonderful foods, but does that matter?"

    It shut her up momentarily, before she got her act together and decided to tackle the issue from anutritional approach, which is a much more valid reason to be critical. "But won't the kids get enough protein?" was her question. Alas, she'd played the protein card. She had a pair, and i had a Royal flush in this argument. I quickly mad eit clear that protein is easily obtained, and that infant nutrition can be offset by foods which aren't nutritionally dense, owing to a presence of bulk such as fibre. So protein was a concern, but it was easily gotten around by carefully planning nutrition, which anyone with a baby should do, vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

    So I was able to whoop some serious ass. i don't usually bring out the debating cards, because most people don't like to play poker, for they're simple minded people who prefer blackjack, so I usually keep it simple, short sweet, by informing them that they don't know what they're talking about, and that they are stupid cunts. If i get an intellectual ask questions wit ha genuine desire to know, then i'll be happy to have a much more interesting conversation with them.

    However, I am a person who knows to save intelligent conversations for intelligent people. or to save my vast knowledge for conversations were they will take it on board, rather than close their ears and their minds before a barrage of superior information changes their minds on key issues.

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