With allergen exceptions, I'd wager many vegans would like a taste to the cheese they gave up. Really dairy...and really cruelty free? Yep. Crazy biohacking in (where else?) Oakland might lead to mammal milk cheese, made by adapted yeast. http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2015/04/counter_culture_labs_is_making_vegan_cheese_it_s_not_an_oxymoron_it_s_biohacking.html Narwhal on crackers anyone? I thnk the part that bothers me most is knowing I can hop on two buses and start biohacking with my bought online DNA.
Oh, the growing human organs for transplant is freaking awesome...and I want to see the cartilage/fascia of a human heart, freestanding, not in a cadaver.
Let me feed you from my laboratory...... I am not sure how I feel about biohacking.....or this cheese.
Part of me thinks "this is away to get people off dairy from cows. And it's equivalent to, say, brewing." The other part is too horrified to comment at this time. It sounds like "wha? Bu...I mean...uggggh."