So my black friday was dedicated to not working, and avoiding black lung. One of my buddies is all into vaping e-juices, nicotine infused oils basically. He builds custom devices where you have to wrap the coil and ohm test it.. and you build it different ways depending on what you are chasing. I made the mistake of starting smoking cigs again a few years ago during a strenuous and homeless point of my life, and more than ever it is still a comfort. So I went and bought a prebuilt vape before I get into building the shit myself. I went to one bar in the early afternoon which I frequent and I was like HEY CAN I VAPORIZE HERE?? One of the hippie servers perked up and was like what's in it? I said BHO and he was like HELL YEAH YOU CAN.. but then I was said I'm fucking with you it's just nicotine. But either way nobody cared. Then I went to my favorite microbrew and noticed the bouncer was hitting a custom mod. I asked the bartender is this place vape friendly? She said of course it is, you can even vape a g pen if people around you are vaping nicotine, we don't care. Wtf?! I've hit a g pen in a music venue during an art show, that the bartender handed me, but that place is bananas. I didn't realize this stuff was so accepted across the board, it feels like a new world has been opened to me. And I've only had two cigs since about 1 pm.
dude share some info on a good one? i wanna get one i can use for ejuices or whatever and also possibly bho if needed, could i get seoerate klike atomizers or w.e. they called for em?
I've only vaped bho out of a g pen, as far as ejuices this is literally a whole new world to me. New leaf is legit not sure if you have those where you are, but I got the phaeton mod and the kanger pro tank mini 2. I've learned a shit ton in the last few days but will have to update this when I'm not drunk and I can remember
Here's a good fl based company and another good one I'm assuming Washington state. The 50/50 pg/vg and 555 is super good. I haven't ordered anything from them but I got the kona coffee and crisp menthol and mixed it up in the tank of what I bought today from new leaf. I think if you wanted to use bho you'd need a drip system, like on the g pens where you just dab it on the coil. That's what my friend does with the nicotine juices rather than use a tank.
Nice... Are you kidding...having to ask that shit? I have smoked out of a very similar, though not quite as handsome looking contraption, in my probation officer's waiting room..and counselors room. They can be used almost everywhere. Anyways, that's cool..sounds like a fun day. I ended up doing a good bit of shopping, which I NEVER do on black Friday n came home and made and ate 2 lbs of fresh muscles which were delicious.
In florida if they sell food you can't smoke inside. Which was the first bar. The second bar doesn't sell food (you can have it delivered though) but I asked out of respect since I'm close friends with the owner. I tried to box my car with it and it's completely non offensive, it's like water vapor.
So is there any type of cannabis juice or oil you can make to use with one of these vapor pens? There's no smell associated with it like you have with a regular vape that uses actual weed?
Bho is for butane (extracted)hash oil. Dunno if it has a smell when vaped in one of those pens though
I've never made it, people here either have it from cali or colorado or they make it. I know though, that if it's not made right it gives you a huge headache. You have to purge it I believe. I've only smoked bho (hash oil, dabs) out of a g pen and then also through a regular water bong with a special bowl. But out of the g pen I didn't really smell anything. I also smoke cigs though so my sense of smell is diminished. But like I said I've smoked bho sitting at a bar before. You get so ripped it's ridiculous. Instantly you are like uhh what am I doing here? I don't want to drink.. I need to go walk around or ride a bike or something :2thumbsup:
I haven't done it yet, but these are the key factors I understand so far. You either need to get a battery that is internally regulated or get basically a circuit breaker that sits on top of the battery. The battery case (mod) has to have ventilation holes. And the most difficult part apparently is wrapping the coil. You can use cotton, silica wick, wire mesh, stainless, ceramic.. as your wicking compound then you wrap around that with some kind of wire. Put it on the positive negative posts going to the battery.. then you have to resistance check it. Depending on your battery and what you are going for, ie vapor production or throat hit, determines which resistance range to use. If you go too low with the wrong battery, that's when it explodes in your face.
slight smell, and tastes wonderful. i mean to many of us here (aka the trained eye) we could tell that it smells like pot, but just for a little, and then dissapears, nothing like any other method of smoking,.