
Discussion in 'Parenting' started by Enraged Angel, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    Um no. Someone's been doing her homework. ;)
  2. MissBHave

    MissBHave insert clever phrase here

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  3. daisymelan

    daisymelan Professional fence sitter

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    But why must we vaccinate children as infants? This is my biggest issue. That is fine that ppl believe we should vaccinate. That is totally their choice, but why not introduce it once the child has done all of their most important growing? A child at 4 or 5 is much better equipped to handle the vaccinations than as infants.

    I do understand why people want to have the population vaccinated, but as a society we should accept that this is not done to babies.

    My son was giving a vaccination the day he was BORN!!!! Hep B. Now... please tell me why that provincial gov does it all (all three shots) by the age of two, when other provinces do not immunize until in public school?

    There is a lot more to it than the vaccinate vs not vaccinate camp. There are other options.

    My grandmother chose not to vaccinate her children and I didn't discover this until I had vaccinated mine. I wish I had been given the choice to listen to my elder rather then no one telling me her words.

    Do you think my mom has a bit of guilt for not sharing that with me? I don't know. And to be honest, I do not judge anyone for their choices. I mean, my sis just had a son and she has chosen to immunize.

    And my son isn't autistic. His issue (I know I put it on HF somewhere else before) was that his head was misshapen from birth. Because of this, he had a part of his skull that was not position properly and was interfering with the Broca's area... an area of speech origination. The immunizations (and he was given three in one day at one point) caused swelling in his brain that caused the skull to stop blood flow to the Broca's area... which caused him to have a massive speech delay. My chiro is still in the process of manipulating the skull to where it should be, but it's a long process and we can only smile with each milestone we hit.

    Bless my son because he is damn near perfect and because of our chiro he is almost on track with children his own age. But some parents and children have life long issues that are present. It's heartbreaking.

    My mind is made up about my experience, because as I said.... all of the doctor's could not help, his Special Needs school could not help... The only person that helped was a chiropractor trained in cranial shifting. For me, it's not a tough decision... I just have to look at my son to see the results.
  4. daisymelan

    daisymelan Professional fence sitter

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    Thank you. It makes me get teary eyed when ppl truly empathize.
  5. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    Because we are best friends and you know my every move.
  6. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    Because I want my daughter protected against deadly viruses from birth.

    It is done because a babies immune system is well enough equipped to do it's own thing with the vaccinations.

    You should have been given a choice as to whether or not your child recieved that shot at birth. I was. I had to sign a consent form for them to give it to my daughter.

    Such as?

    Why? Would you not vaccinate just because your grandmother didn't? Shouldn't it be YOUR decision? If you had done your research, you would have known you had the option.

    No, I don't think your mother should feel guilty. Maybe it didn't occur to your mother that you would even care.

    How do you know it was the vaccination that did that? It could have been any number of things.
  7. daisymelan

    daisymelan Professional fence sitter

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    It is obvious we won't agree on this. No matter what logic or words I use, it will not describe what I have lived and am living with my son.

    As for the immunization at birth... I honestly did not think twice about it. I wanted to immunize my child because that was the right thing to do... right? The docs were telling me to. I feel now that I was very naive. You are right, I should have done my research... and I thought I did. I did not think at the time that vaccinations caused anything to happen to children and autism was not such a hot button then, as it now. I feel different now.

    Why do I know it was immunizations? Because every specialist I met could not help me or explain why my son was showing expressing difficulties (and we saw many because he was very delayed in language). The only person that could, was a man that sat down and explained exactly why my son couldn't speak and exactly how he was going to help him. Within a month there were phenomenal changes. Nothing else in our life changed at that point... it was the chiropractor. I'm afraid all the research and science could not sway my opinion about this because I witnessed it firsthand and so did everyone around him. I can give you the actual percentiles if you like as scored by my son's speech pathologist that describe his growth. I do not care if ppl believe me. My chiro is a gift from the powers that be.

    I realize it never occurred to my mom to tell me. But I sure that I had had that conversation wtih my grandmother, but she passed before I had children. If not, I certainly would have known her stance on immunizations. And my grandmother is the person who I admire most and I would respect her words and research more about it to perhaps/or perhaps not, make a different choice.

    I have absolutely no fear of my children contracting anything they are immunized against until the age of five or older. But that is privilege of living in a place that has the freedom to choose. I have never personally known anyone to contract any of these various diseases... except my mother who survived measles and wasn't vaccinated as well as the chicken pox which I lived through.

    Where you ask about the "such as"? I'm simply referring to my story. My son is not autistic. Most of the information I have read in regards to not vaccinating involves autism. I feel that although autism may be caused by vaccinations... I have no idea. I do not know. That is not my story and not why I feel ppl should not vaccinate.

    I likely repeated myself a bit. Ah well. Hopefully this clears up the questions you have.

    Edited to add:

    I now agree with a lot of what Dr. Mercola advises. Here is a link that touches on my concerns.

  8. HippyFreek

    HippyFreek Vintage Member

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    The problem with vaccinations, IMHO, is lack of study either way. The studies put forth have all been funded BY pharmaceutical companies, which pressures the researchers into dumbing down results. Frankly, if something is going to be monitored, it's best done by an outside, third party, unbiased source. And the American studies I have seen are none of those things, typically.

    I've seen smaller European studies showing more realistic results as far as reactions and such, and those, as well as looking up the individual ingredients led to my decision: I don't, and will not, vaccinate my child.

    While I will uphold every parent's right to make up their own mind, based on their personal views and the research they have done (peace to all the vaxing mommas!), for my family, it seemed more of a risk than a benefit.

    First of all, there seems to be unstudied links between neurological disorders (autism, clinical depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc), immuno-disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc), and vaccinations. Because lupus, clinical depression, and schizophrenia run in my family, as well as having several members of my family that show very clear signs of being on the autism spectrum, vaccinating my child seemed a large risk to take.

    Second of all, after researching all of the ingredients in the vaccinations given, I could not put those things into MY bloodstream, let alone that of my newborn, infant, toddler, preschooler, or adolescent child. Every ingredient that I looked up in the Occupational Hazard Handbook listed as unsafe to touch human skin, let alone be placed directly into the human bloodstream. Formaldehyde, gluteraldehyde, raw egg, ether, detergent, mercury (which is used as an anti-microbial, and then filtered out, but not all is able to be removed), as well as other chemicals. Not to mention the moral standing I took against using aborted foetus cells to make the vaccines. And in some cases, the virus was harvested off of mutated primate DNA. All of this set off alarms for me.

    I can do things in our daily lives to strengthen our immune systems. Eating nutrient rich foods, like fresh (and organic where possible) vegetables and fruits, lean meats, as well as drinking plenty of water to flush toxins from the system. Getting plenty of sleep in a 24-hour period (12+ hours for children under the age of 5-6, 10+ for 6-10, and 8+ after that), and eliminating stress all help to keep the immune system in top shape. When there is a bug around, we become more adamant about proper hygiene, and we boost our immune systems with vitamin C, echinacea, zinc, and probiotic cultures. Most of the immune system is found in the skin and the gut, so keeping those things protected will do most of the job for you.

    As a last bit, I will admit that my child caught the chicken pox. Guess what though? She caught it from a fully vaccinated child. His case of chicken pox was more pronounced than hers. Because from the moment of exposure, we started doing what we could to bolster her immune system. She had maybe 10 pustules.

    When she hits puberty, we'll bring up the idea of vaccinating to her, considering some diseases can harm foetuses and cause infertility. We'll present what evidence we have found, our personal views, and the opposing views. We'll also have her blood titered to see what viruses she has already gained immunity against. If she decides she would like to take a vaccine, at that time it's her choice. But until then, the risks seem too great for me to make that choice for her.
  9. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    I'm not trying to sway you! I was just commenting on what you posted. :)
  10. Bumble

    Bumble Senior Member

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    Exactly, I believe vaccines can be good, but used appropriately. Like after the major brain development stages. My nephew had a reaction to his vaccines when he was a baby. He had an extremely high fever that landed him in the hospital. He lost his language shortly afterwards and started doing rituals and repeatative behaviors. Now he has high functioning autism. My question is why are we vaccinating for silly things like chicken pox? Chicken pox aren't that big of a deal. No one dies from them.
  11. lostminty

    lostminty Member

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    This is one of them issues where people struggle to bring independently verifiable facts to the table...its not that the facts are wrong but its a case that some statements have to be taken on faith...which becomes a conflict of who to belief, not what makes sense
  12. jammin1000

    jammin1000 Member

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    I would vaccinate. The odds are way in your favor. As for your children, the same goes for them. Polio, diptheria, tetnus, etc. are horrible diseases. Most people aren't old enough to remember when people got polio and had to live their entire lives in an iron lung because they couldn't breathe.

    Google iron lung.
  13. TheChaosFactor

    TheChaosFactor Senior Member

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    We actually did buy mainly organic milk, fruits, and veggie's when she was preggo. Organic chicken as well since that is our main choice of meat at our house.

    As far as getting other kids sick, let me ask you this: If they are vaccinated and my child infects theirs, doesn't that mean the vaccination didn't really do its job anyway? The way I see it if the kids at school are vaccinated they shouldn't have those diseases to give them to my child, and they shouldn't be able to receive those diseases from my child either.

    I view many of these things like I view swine flu... I would not give my children swine flu vac's because they are not going to any area in which the threat is high. The threat of polio and others things that are vaccinated for are very low in the US and some are practically non existent.


    More generally, I have seen as much "proof" that vaccinations are still highly needed as I have that they cause mental deficiencies(illness... not sure what the correct term is). But the facts that I see are that more and more people are forgoing the vac's while the number of problems from those diseases stays relatively idle. I also see more and more people making a connection between the timing of vaccinations and problems with their children. That is proof enough for me.... I don't need experts to come out with a report. Those same experts told us eggs were really good for us... then kinda bad... then good again. Their findings are to be taken with a grain of salt, IMO...

    As EA said, none of the three children are fully vaccinated, two of them are not at all. And they don't get sick often at all. No flu, no trips to the doc... They are smart, physically healthy, and as emotionally balanced as you can expect young ones to be. When they have been sick, I don't think it has ever been more than a day. Even when we got strep, they got nothing. My brother almost died, and her and I both had to go to the hospital. Those brats were as lively and healthy as ever with no trip to the doc necessary.

    I'm even thinking about going against the school on religious grounds if they want to raise an issue about the shots as the government says I have the right to do so.... That is one major fact to consider... They are SOOOOO necessary that you can still enroll you children in school without them as long as you have a personal belief against it. If the threat were that big, I would think the very government that mandates them would not take no for an answer...

    I don't hold it against people who have their children vaccinated, but I also do not concern myself with their thoughts on my actions. We all have a duty to raise our children in the way we see best for them. Beyond that, we will all pay the costs and reap the rewards for our own decisions as far as I'm concerned.
  14. daisymelan

    daisymelan Professional fence sitter

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    For what it's worth, where I live, your children do not need to be vaccinated to attend school and you do not need to give a reason for it.

    Slightly off topic, but I know a girl who has never received a vaccination and has continued all of her health under the care of a chiropractor and she has never taken any medicine of any kind. She has never had tylenol or antibiotics... only being treated with herbal and homeopathic remedies. That's f'ing cool.

    And as for the "reactions" when children are vaccinated. My one son developed a lump under the needles sight that was there for about a month and a half. That in itself is just wrong... It was listed under the "Things you should look for". But when you tell teh doc's it... no one cared. So why watch out for it and put it on the list of things to watch for?
  15. Enraged Angel

    Enraged Angel Banned

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    I'm going to enroll my son in school soon, I'll find out what they have to say... I read online it's unconstitutional for a child to be turned away from not having vaccinations because of religious believe, and it's unconstitutional for them to force you to explain and prove your religion.

    Yea, I stopped vaccinations after my first son developed a big purple/red rash that swelled up his leg... they wanted to just give him benedryl, no big deal to them... but to me, that is my child.

    I chose to no longer follow up with the shots and ect.
  16. Enraged Angel

    Enraged Angel Banned

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    Dude111 likes this.
  17. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Thank you for adding that page..... I looked up my state and found it pretty rough!! (People are basically forced kinda (hard to get out of) to have this garbage injected)

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