A colleague of mine used to say "it ain't worth a wank" a lot, which I've heard other people use as well. I've thought of a variation, which is "it matters less than a wank". It's basically lad's talk I know, belongs in Roger's Profanisaurus. I'm in the habit of saying "marvelous" a lot, which I picked up from someone else. Have you made up phrases yourself which other people have adopted? Or do you have certain phrases you say all the time?
Either earlier today or yesterday I found myself using an old adage but right now it slips my mind. I'm sure I heard it from my parents!
"Keep your hair on". Particularly funny if the person who you are saying it to is bald, but not a good idea with a skinhead thug.
If I'm thinking to myself about something difficult to work out, such as what someone's motivation was for doing or saying something, I'll say to myself "who knows the secret of the master tape?", which is an album by Mad Professor.
don't be so fucking ridiculous what the fuck does that mean? Jack shit, that's what? I did say something on here a while ago that rollin liked and was going to use but I can't for the life of me think what it was.
I hate the phrase " at the end of the day " So fucking what it gets dark ? I also hear "it is what it is " a lot lately when there has been a fuck up ! I tend to say " If you all fuck up out of my way I will sort it " a lot ( not really a phrase I know )
A one, two, you know what to do. I say this to my dog all the time it's the start of a Steve earle song called Harlan Man. So whenever I say one two, I say it like he does. Just memory burned hehe.
Mayday mayday mayday ................' that's the kind of phrase that might come to mind. In a world where passport colour is to determine our identity......
What fresh hell is this I say that a lot at work lol I looked up the origin once, it was coined by a writer but I cant think of her name right now