Using Images To Aid Sexual Fantasies.

Discussion in 'Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, etc.' started by Jimbee68, May 15, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    “Why should it ever have been thought that the law must be evoked to suppress sexual fantasy? ...Fantasy is not a weak indulgence for which we need apologize. It plays an important part in everybody's life. It is a kind of wish fulfillment. What we would like to do, but for various reasons are unable to put into practice, is acted out in imagination. A great deal of literature, for example, owes its appeal to the fact that the daydreams of a large public are expressed in a more vivid form than their unaided imagination can achieve.”

    -Eustace Chesser, MD.

    As the above quote shows, it is sometimes helpful to use mental imagery for sexual fantasies. You know, I have fantasies about having a man do me as a woman. Not as a transgendered woman. I do not identify as transgender, but I have no problem with that of course. But literally doing something like that while being an actual woman. I suppose I may have some subconscious transgender desires. I don't know, and don't care. But the only place I can really do that basically, is in my fantasies. I sometimes even take it one step further, and fantasize what it would be like bearing a man's baby. Often in my fantasies, the man in the ER with me as I give birth, supporting me.

    But I do find in easier to get a clear image of the man if I use a known public figure. About 20 years ago I used to use basketball coach and former NBA player Robert Pack in my fantasies. I had this one fantasy where I get pulled over in Louisiana for speeding. I can't afford the pay the ticket. And I and the New Orleans cop end up having sex in the back seat of my car. Pack is from New Orleans. So that is why I used him in that fantasy.

    Also, I had this fantasy, possibly based on a dream I once had. I was immediately attracted to K. Donnell Johnson when I first saw him in a calendar in 1998:

    K-Donnell-Johnson-51524-JPEG hosted at ImgBB

    He used to work for the mayor of DC as a bodyguard. He also said in the bio on the calendar he is tolerant of all people. This fantasy was kind of a prequel. In late 1989, my family and I used to go to this local buffet restaurant. Buffets aren't fancy dining. But you know even by 1998, I had a lot of fond memories of that place. I used to fantasize that I went there, as a girl of my age then (early 20's), and find Johnson is working as manager there. We end up having sex in a banquet room by the front door.

    You know, I looked up Mr. Johnson about 10 years ago. I found his mugshot. Here:

    K-Donnell-Johnson-mug-shot-51524 hosted at ImgBB

    I think he was involved in some nonviolent drug offense. He changed a lot in about ten years, didn't he?

    (I can't upload pictures on Hip. So if someone wants to do so for me, please feel free to.)

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