useless disregard

Discussion in 'Hippies' started by environmental_junkie, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. environmental_junkie

    environmental_junkie Member

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    You know how iot feels when everyone around critizes you for everything you do, and gives you adivce that obviously didn't work for them and call you down constantly because you right. I've never felt so useless or so doubtful in my life. I never knew it is possibly to feel worse than wanting to kill yourself. But i do feel worse than that.. I feel like no matter what I do nothing will ever be good enough and even though I want to try harder I no longer have motivation to do anything. I can't explain it. but. I see nothing but more pain coming to me and i feel like I can't do anything to stop it. and I can;t eevn get out of my current situation. I can't even think straight my head is just sppinning. im sorry,
  2. mimosa

    mimosa Banned

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    I am not trying to make light of your situation, I know it feels dismal now, but everyone has days like this. the feelings of hopelessness will pass. Just ride it out, esp if you believe in your cause, stay true. Oh, it's tough I know. wishing you the best, it's hard to know what to say, but I believe in you because I feel you have a passionate cause, even though I don't know what it is. don't give up. just hugs to you I guess. we all need them sometimes.
  3. environmental_junkie

    environmental_junkie Member

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    My days like this have been atleast 4 years like this and as soon as thigns are going right they just blow up. it's perpetual.
  4. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    have you tried drugs?

    or move out..

    just wondering. :eek:
  5. environmental_junkie

    environmental_junkie Member

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    Yes the thing is I moved out then quit my job stupidly because im immpulsive and had to move bad in... and as soon as I walk in this house it seems like I'm hit with a load of bad energy.
  6. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    well, drugs make people happy, depending on the drug.
  7. melloncollie_girl

    melloncollie_girl Member

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    uh, i think in some situations, drugs might not be the answer to happiness... i dont think i can really help you out too much, except to say i think i can relate. i never talked to my family or anything about it, but the way you describe your feelings sounds kinda familiar to the way i feel too. since 7th grade i've tried to tell myself it's just teenage angst, but i dont think 3 years of never being happy is normal. just try to remember there's always a future, and things could turn for the better at any time. just try to focus on what makes you happy, or at least what makes you feel less depressed. have hope
  8. soulrebel51

    soulrebel51 i's a folkie.

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    when all else fails, what've you got to lose?
  9. melloncollie_girl

    melloncollie_girl Member

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    i guess so, i'm just saying you should definitly make sure everything else fails before you become dependant on them to feel feelings besides unhappiness. my dad looked to a drug called alcohol, and it didnt make anything better. if it was a different drug, things may have turned out better... or not
  10. environmental_junkie

    environmental_junkie Member

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    All I do now is constantly day dream about my future, which is marvoulous but i just think about it and do nothing, about anything because I feel it will just throw me back down again. But I'm working on the motivation bit... I think I just need to find myself. I still haven't completely and it's something I'm definetely lacking. It makes me doubt everything and believe what others say which I would normally disregard from the start but when people start talking i just have to listen.. you know, they obviously believe what they are saying is right...even though it's probably what they would do if they were I...which would not work for me... sorry I'm just rambling now.
  11. environmental_junkie

    environmental_junkie Member

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    Oh yes and I do par-take in the drug scene which might be a factor too my lack of motivation. Me drugs just make me think lifes a free ride, but I still need to work to getting to that free ride...
  12. matthew

    matthew Almost sexy

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    Have you ever thought about volunteering with the elderly or children that need 'special care' .. It may take your mind off yourself and reevaluate your actual predicament [seeing others 'worse' off then yourself] . No drugs required.
  13. purplesage

    purplesage Ah, fuck it...

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    Drugs only make you feel great while you're on them. Anyhow, you know what the solution is, you have said it yourself - getting the motivation going. Start looking for another job perhaps - even if it's just buying the paper each day and looking at the ads, at least it's putting your mindset in the right direction.

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