Useful skills

Discussion in 'Ask The Old Hippies' started by Barefoot Wanderer, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Barefoot Wanderer

    Barefoot Wanderer Guest

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    Hi. I would like suggestions on useful skills I (or anyone) could learn in order to make a bit of money to buy things that can't be made by myself (or trade for).

    I would like to live as self-sufficiently as possible, in a natural way, without having a 'job'. I aim to grow the majority of my food, and forage/hunt for the rest, but need a way to pay council land rates, and buy things that I need but cannot produce/procure myself.

    I know of one man who makes violin bows, and another who makes musical instruments out of clay, but would like other suggestions, as those don't appeal to me. (I love plants, botany, and ethnobotany.)

  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    If you hunt for food you can hunt for antler? Bone, antler crafts can sell for a fair bit?
  3. Barefoot Wanderer

    Barefoot Wanderer Guest

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    Ah, I forgot to mention I live in Australia. Our kangaroos tend to be the un-antlered variety lol. But a great suggestion for any who live in areas with antlered creatures! I might look up bone crafts though, I've only ever heard of things like bone handled knives, so I'm interested to see what else can be made from them. Thanks!
  4. Popeye31

    Popeye31 Guest

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    Learn to fix things. anything! I can fix anything you put in front of me. from houses to bikes, laundry machines, plumbing, electrical, vw . anything. I can get a job or do like I do now and work for myself. working on anything that needs fixing. it is a great skill I know its not in your listed things to try but I tell you I have saved plenty money being able to fix stuff. My latest fixer upper is a 66 Chevy van It looks like the mystery machine I like restoring old stuff and making it look new again.

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